Scandinavian Flick

That one caught my eye too, and I was just about to post it up here "requesting" details.

Considering it's the default if you aren't logged in, and most people new to the site probably don't know the other view exists, I'd say that number is pretty low.

Wow... Really? Don't be an ass. Just use a different picture.

Heads I win, tails you lose.

If you own a doughnut shop long enough, the parking lot will eventually look like that.

Sure, but "Kinda Old NYC Subway Pump System Combined with Some Potentially Hard Rain is Cause for Mild Concern" doesn't have that same page-hit-driving ring to it.

"What's worse than hate? What's more powerful than love? Apathy. The Camry is Apathy on wheels."

Heart click.

"After police pulled him over, Howard failed several field sobriety tests. He then came clean"

That's pretty risky. If someone parks a handicap van nearby, they Mayback into them when they leave.

Oh damn... now you done it...

Now playing

Man, you're gonna make me lose my Federalihood...

You got a problem with that?

J'ai un gros chat dans mon pantalon.

Might as well do some aerating while you're out there.

Nobody likes you.

Your natural reaction should have been to head straight for the sturdiest, most solid, immovable object.

Good to hear. When I visited New York, I saw many rows of apartment buildings made entirely of brick. They stood out to me since it isn't a common building material here in CA. I sincerely hope everyone is okay. However, the native Californian in me can't help but feel the way I do about the mass panic caused by a

It is when it hits a bunch of non-reinforced brick buildings. :-/