Scandinavian Flick

Your private collection is from my camera?

There's just something about a girl in a fedora...

Soccer Mom of the Year nominee.


Why else?

Recursion Edition.

So... He stole $20 from a cafeteria worker?

These worthless comments are so dumb.

Lesson learned: Don't buy used beige.

What you have done there. It is apparent to me.

I think it's a Lambo, dude.

Maybe it was the Hummer that was trying to commit suicide.

Oh come on! It can't be that bad! I'm not that annoying! I'm not annoying you! You're the annoying one!

The only purchases I can remember were wiper blades, when it started raining for the first time since I bought a new car at around midnight, and found out the wiper blades were deteriorated and falling apart. Also duct tape to "repair" a broken headlight mount until I could make it to the junkyard. Also trim

This! My first thoughts as well.

That's true. Okay; Roseanne's new whip, Jump the Shark Edition?

They all smell the same too... There is no way to describe it other than "eau de Walmart."

Those wheels scream "new money."