Scandinavian Flick

Nicely done. That is pretty funny.

This is true. They are usually fairly good about that around here, but I have noticed a few exceptions.

*jots down notes*

Nah; cock blocking.

Slightly off-topic: Those notch back Fox Mustang police cruisers were pretty much bad ass...

I agree with that as well. I haven't encountered that much, since around here they only do that kind of thing in more rural areas, like long stretches of Highway 5. Out there I see a lone orange sign that says "Construction Zone," then after about 10 miles, "End Construction Zone," while there is nothing in between

That pretty much sums up my stance as well.

I'm very much against over-enforcement of speed laws, and quite vocal about it, except the areas that Dr_Watson points out in his post. And while what you say is likely true, it's already a law that whether they are present or not, it's a double fine zone in CA. (Can't personally speak for other states, since I

Okay, I actually laughed out loud at that mental image.

Clever. I have no problem with this in construction zones. It's once they start using this in other areas that it becomes a dirty trick...

I'm no law expert, but I assume entrapment would only apply if what they were doing encouraged you to commit the crime in the first place. For example; police posing as hookers in an area where that is prohibited. This is just enforcement.

I think that sign serves as fair warning. And hey, you're the one who looked it up because I advised not to. The shame is still in your court, friend.

Interesting website, isn't it?

The only other time a "kiss" in a Taxi will cost you that much is if you stopped by the Moonlight Bunny Ranch (don't look that up at work) beforehand.

Okay, our tamed racing driver has taken it around our Top Gear test track. Let's see how it did!

Continental GT? Ugh... Push it back in.

It probably can't turn worth shit. Must be American.

LOL, awesome! I choked on that last line.

I'm going to go hug my cars and cry now...

I can fap in this!