Scandinavian Flick

Stupid question: Why is the shot of the Bonneville at night, and the 'Vette is in daylight...?

I'm surprised you haven't heard from the guy with the Lamborghini yet. Or at least from someone who worked on the car. I would be interested to hear exactly what work was being done.

Just another case of Ferrari sending a "ringer" to the track...

Cra$h Cab.

He probably dropped all his money on that car, so he has to cut corners somewhere...

Sure, let me just finish my delicious Belgian rofles, hop in my Lolsroyce, and we'll get in the roflcopter to fly to Washington and steamloler this issue.

...maybe we could consult Mythbusters.

The rumble strips alone would make me hate driving that thing daily... I wonder if the local tire companies helped fund those cursed things.

New idea to debunk the God theory: When the incident occurred, the sudden relocation of poop from the intestines of the driver into his pants disrupted the CoG to allow for the cab to maintain balance on the bridge.

Thanks for reminding me that people here in the Bay Area are incapable of negotiating a simple corner.

By the grace of Cobb!

"the grace of God."

She was hit in the rear by his dangling participle.

As true as it is, it's still difficult, isn't it...?

Did you see the one (I forget what it was called) about all the assassination attempts on Hitler? It was well done and amazing to know how close people came to changing what eventually came to be... Most attempts being from within his own ranks.

What car is this? Pics or gtfo...