Scandinavian Flick

Confucius say; "You go to jail, bad boy!"

All of those would be awesome! Especially the 510. I was imagining it on the Volvo P1800 I have bench raced in my head.

That is the best shade of brown I have ever seen. I really want to paint something that color now. Something actually fast though...

To be fair, while most certifications mean approximately diddly, (ask me how I know!) the MECP Master Cert is a true bitch to achieve, and it actually does mean they know their shit...

Trust me, I know. ;)

Dammit... Now I'm hungry, and I won't be eating for another 6 hours.

I could make the same irrelevant argument for driving a car.

My bad, that should have been Die Hard 4. Too late to edit...

Replying to approve your comment, since the thumb doesn't work...

That's a lot of alcohol for a 10-15 minute flight.

The truth.

This should be posted on Wrecked Exotics.

Since I don't have any jokes at the moment, I'll posit a situation from experience: A friend of mine, who is way overqualified, currently works as an installer at a store which will remain unnamed. (Stupid economy...) I will however mention that their employees make Best Buy employees look like Mensa geniuses.

No, man. It's a Bug-atti.

"bigger, longer and more uncut"

Probably advisable.

I see...

I am curious... and want to know... but I am at work... so I can't look it up...

Introducing the all new Scion cP! Hop in, fire it up, and forget all your commuting worries!