Scandinavian Flick

Just keepin' you on your toes. I know you can do better.

Let's hope they can't wreck them... There would be light pollution everywhere!


Pretty sure that's a Fiero, dude.

Sounds like an awesome project. Good luck with it!

The 97 model year pictured above was.

The really amazing part of that is, the Elise/Exige was more of a finesse vehicle. It achieved its quickness through weight reduction and chassis design. Then this madman decides to base this monster off that? Yet it apparently still retains composure while having mind-numbing performance? Crazy stuff...

"How is this possible?"

Hey, you remembered! :D

I have the weirdest rigor mortis right now...

I'm not much of a truck guy, but those are/were damn awesome trucks. If I was to get a truck, it would be mostly for off-road duty. That thing would make the short list.

That's true. I do recognize that as a very valid and interesting car.

That's okay. I forgot they made anything but the GT-R.

He was also seen yelling at the Smart Car: "You're a pain in my ass! YOU'RE A PAIN... IN MY... ASS!!!!" *heavy breathing*


It just has a 5 o'clock shadow. Don't worry though; fire does a number on hair follicles, so it is unlikely to grow back after the inevitable occurs.

Great... First Matt posts Steve McQueen, and now Peter is posting his wiener on Jalopnik... Can't we leave these posts for Deadspin?

I can see what you are saying too. It actually kinda mixes elegance (in the general body flow) and over-aggressive looks. (with the vents and such) A lot of the front end is performance design, given the ducts in the front that allow air flow to the wheel wells, reducing lift and keeping it more planted in the