Scandinavian Flick

I'm going to go ahead and comment again to you, since it seems like the pink (unapproved) commenters are disagreeing with my assessment of an F355 owner not being rich.

My comment was actually a typo. It was supposed to be $15K, but I noticed after the edit period ended. I can't even fathom putting more money into a bike frame than I did on my cars... Then again, cars are my hobby; not bikes.

It's just a F355. It's not like he's rich or anything.

I suppose it helps to have a $5k bike that weighs less than 5lbs...

@Curves: Another heart click here! A great post in the middle of a lot of stuff that doesn't bear repeating.

More than likely. Cats are assholes.

I prefer the old fashioned way of clearing the streets of dead Leafs.


@Twirlcan: Fine! That does it... I'm not putting up with this anymore! You get a damn heart click!

Thanks :) I made that one myself while I was bored... I haven't found much use for it yet, but this seemed to work.

Self degradation aside, having an open dialog is good for discussion on the matter, and a big part of why this site is better than most other media outlets. I'm feeling all intellectual and shiet, (but kinda drowsy and out of it...) so I'll keep going.

Also not trying to troll, but I'm not sure what you are getting at. Would "society has degraded" be better? I suppose, being that society is not a tangible substance, crumbling would be impossible if taking it literally rather than figuratively.

Is this the first time an unpromoted comment won COTD? I had to recheck, but, I fixed that.

Hey, I recognize the driver!

Now we need a video of a Veyron engine being built, about 2x speed, Vaudeville style set to piano music with dialog written out.

Confucius says: You go to jail bad boy!


I know whenever I think post-apocalyptic, nuclear, zombie-infested wasteland, I always think open-air cab!

James May doesn't know fashion!? Nooooooooo... That's unpossible!