Scandinavian Flick

Maaaaan, China gets all the cool stuff.

There is a lot of hilarity in that thread! Congrats! That was awesome! :D

It was a pre-coffee joke. Clearly it fell flat...

It's your confusion at being chastised for being a cock hat that honestly really amuses me. How someone can not understand that being a dick results in a certain reaction from other people is beyond my scope of reasoning.

You have a messed up perception of what "asking politely" is. "That was dumb" is not "asking politely". You didn't ask for an explanation, but simply stated it was stupid because you didn't get it. Clearly it must not be funny if you didn't get it, Mr all knowing authority of the world of comedy! Nobody here is

I've actually been hearing quite a bit about the tornadoes lately... This is the first time I heard anything about Obama and the Prince meeting. Then again, I have been specifically paying attention to the news of the storms, so I'm not the best judge of it.

The forces of tornadoes work in really weird ways... It does look like the whole car got bashed around quite a bit. It's also possible something else in the car, such as deformed/twisted/sheared metal, or the shitty plastics that H3 interiors are made of, severed the belts. I doubt it was just him being sucked out

Comcast save failed

Since all the news outlets are just saying "yellow Lexus", I found a picture of the actual culprit.

It's about time for a one-liner #COTD

Don't trip, it's probably a hybrid.

Don't is to be judged too fast, this car could potential have. It can surprise us all with its achievement and form a name for itself fast.


I agree. This is certainly better than the grade system, and anything that gives a consumer more power of choice, especially by providing clear and concise information, is a good thing. It also helps drive the market to improve.

I don't think I've ever seen a label, that is used for information purposes, make so many assumptions.

And what's the deal with airplanes? I'm crammed in like I'm on a slave ship, but I'm paying to be here!

If the comedy here makes you so confused, why are you here?

Likewise :) I shouldn't have to promote this. I can't give you a star, but I can give you a heart click!

You are epic win!