Scandinavian Flick

I found a more sophisticated joke with a punchline that should be right up your alley.

Bump drafting.

P***y Magnet Yellow

Pfft, Mexicans...

@Speigel: Huked on Fonicks werked for yu?

It's called irony. You've probably never heard of it.

I can't dragon this!

After posting that I went downstairs to get coffee. It was the right decision.

So many stereotypes... Not sure where to go with this...

Everyone chill... I got this.

@Ray: But will it fit your flair hair? These things are important, you know. A convertible like this demands proper accessorization.

How is it for someone over 6 feet tall? I tried sitting in a newer MX-5 at an SF Auto Show. In an attempt to put the top up, my spine was nearly forcibly telescoped...

@Jutts: In racing, it helps ensure proper inflation of your tires for your car and driving style. You can chalk the sidewalls, and partially onto the tread. After running for a while, you can check them to see where the chalk has worn or where it has not worn.

If it was flipped, it would be perfect. I hate right justifying my icons...

You just shifted into MAXIMUM OVERTROLL!

I have seen the light. In Hoon we trust.

They will probably pull a GTA and release it for PC eventually.

@87: It's about as gory and violent as any police drama you will see on network television. The crime scenes can be graphic, but any violence is at your discretion, and killing innocents is frowned upon. I drove along the sidewalk for a while, just to see what would happen. My partner wasn't too happy with me...

How much more awesome could Moss possibly get?
