Scandinavian Flick

Your mind tricks are not working on me, Chrysler. This is not the El Camino we were looking for...

It has been a while, hasn't it? It's good to be back though :)

See that nice, flat, horizontal window line? Wagon design: You're doing it right.

I have to respond to this to promote it apparently. It's worth it.

See!? This! This right here is why we are still dependent on Big Oil! As soon as more spending is properly put into research on how magnets work, we can finally establish independence as a nation!!

Well, to be fair, Wilcoxson had been told by Mikhail Kalashnikov that the AK-47 was the latest and greatest in modern fuel saver technology. By firing it behind him, it streamlined the draft produced by his car, thus reducing drag and increasing the efficiency of his vehicle.

I have never had the misfortune of depending on MUNI, but have heard the horror stories. I used to take BART on a regular basis, but started driving to work after witnessing a drunken bum pissing directly on my usual seating location. The rest of that day, people probably wondered why I was standing on an empty


Then hoon the shit out of it.

Move to San Francisco, then proceed to rue the day you decided to depend on MUNI for your transportation needs...

I would like to introduce my Ultimate Fuel Saver product for the modern commuter! Introducing; BUS PASS!

Everyone in the fast lane on my morning commute must be using your first product...

Preaching to the choir here. This needs to be a front page article on Yahoo! with a link to a class action lawsuit.

That's actually a container of whatever the owner was smoking.


Ohhhh, I get it! Yeah, my screen name is actually referring to the driving maneuver, often used in rally racing. It induces weight transfer in the car to quickly slide around corners.

"He's since been suspended."

Very true. Another site of note is Lifehacker. Some of the projects and walkthroughs on there are so useful and informative, it makes you wonder why it wasn't thought of before. I subscribe to their email list, and have seriously streamlined some of the things I do everyday.