Scandinavian Flick

Hey Ray, since we're on the subject, I'm interested in your opinion: Do you think they are actually trying to disguise test cars with flimsy camo, or do you think they are attempting to draw attention to the test cars so the media outlets post spy photos to generate hype? Mayhaps elements of both?

With nearly twice the horsepower!

Either that, or Pontiac is making a comeback...

Is this another one of those Veilside body kits? Their QC must have really gone down the shitter in recent years if the install always involves rope and wood screws...

Hmmm, not bad. Slightly aggressive looking, still business-like, a bit on the large side... Not quite as lust worthy as I once saw it, but still a contender. I give it a pass, but I'll pass.

Because test car.

That must have been quite an epic read.

What little I have seen from OMG! Ponies!, I have a lot of respect for the way he handles things. That must have been some ugly business... There is a lot of hypocrisy in the way that Giz editors handle things. I have such a strong sense of justice and... well... sometimes revenge... that I just find it easier to

Us old-schoolers have to stick together *brofist*

I just avoid the comments on Giz, because you have to walk such a fine line with the editors there. On Jalopnik, we mess with the editors all the time, and they have fun with it too. Most of them will clown you right back. On Giz, if you so much as disagree with the caustic rant posted by one of the editors, it

It is nice playing catch up. I've been clicking a few myself. :)

It comes in handy sometimes :)

Glad to help!

The way cross posting works it gets a bit confusing. This is posted, and hosted on Gawker, but when it's clicked on from Jalopnik, it shows up as a Jalopnik article. People who are starred on Jalopnik, but aren't approved on Gawker, show up as a pink (unapproved) starred commenter... I show up fine here since I was

It certainly tends that way. Fortunately, politics doesn't come up much, so I can successfully avoid it since I know I am in the minority in that respect.

Shocker? When I think Dodge, I tend to think Minivan...

Cross post from Gawker. You apparently haven't posted there before.

It does look like a small PP, doesn't it?

AAAAAGH!! Evil spider! Kill it!! Kill it!!!