Scandinavian Flick

From what I have experienced today, there is approximately a 40% chance this reply will actually submit. The reply notifications are a nice addition, but it killed the link to my profile.

"And yes, because these images aren't big enough to be made into pretty wallpaper-sized images, they're here and not on Facebook."

Pretty much seems like it... I remember when I was kinda sorta considering one, I had to include "Camero" in my search terms. Fortunately, it's mostly the broken pieces of crap that are spelled like that.

There are signs on a lot of roads that state "slower traffic keep right", but the standard fare sense of entitlement combined with general ignorance and dumbassery around here makes that a moot effort.

Not only is it not illegal, it's also pretty much impossible not to.

"We're just not recorded every time we drive."

Also repeatedly throughout the article. I'm not sure how they could have made it any clearer.

Every time some mouth-breathing, imbecilic, sock-fapping, cock lick spells it "Camero", Bob Lutz dies a little.

I think I'll hold out for the Juan Pablo Montoya of shredders. I have some spare engine blocks to dispose of.

Now Barrett-Jackson can auction it off as an authentic General Lee that was used in the show, maintaining its original damage.

I don't buy their story. From the looks of it, they sled into the crub hit 2 fents 2 burshes 4 brick and a trash can. I bet it even has load cam knock. At least he probably spanked the little rice hatch back...

@Xander Crews: But this is an El Camino! That's Spanish for "The Camino"!

He kinda said so... you know... in the text of the article...