Scandinavian Flick

@Coach Spiegel: I should kick you in the Lancer for that one...

I've never used this before. Am I doing it right?

@skraelingshortbus: They are on my watch list for local concerts. Good metal concerts are truly epic.

@Telecustom: That's pretty meta of you. I like it.

@disadvantage: She did try stop, drop and let the van roll over you...

Everything Counts when your vehicle is Dead Alone. If your van is Ever Dying, the Strong And Smart hatch a plan. This is stupid though.

So, not much hope for Karma to come bite Elon Musk in the ass any time soon?

@adeft: I'm not even talking about adding more amenities. I totally agree with that and can completely do without the fancy in-car computer crap. Hell, I don't even need a decent stereo in a performance car. I'm mostly referring to build quality, fit and finish. Use better materials that don't fade and

@anitesh.jaswal: That is definitely the problem. It's true that they have improved, but baby steps don't cut it when the competition is doing much better.

@Stuey75: How do you mean? They outsold the Mustang (a pretty damn good car in its own right) this year by a fair margin. []

I am shocked! Shocked, I say!

@AmishJohn: Meh.: She can even be a total Wildcat and still be a Roadmaster as long as she has the right Vibe.

@AmishJohn: Meh.: It seems that a lot of people are still in a state of Denali about the whole thing. Her Regal background should prevent her from having to GTfO before she has the chance to become a 'vette of the company.

@TheSerge: I haven't been in a Cruze, so I can only judge what I have been in. 2 weeks ago I went to the SJ Auto Show and got to sit in a number of vehicles. Hyundai impressed me the most (continuing standards from BMW notwithstanding) and GM completely failed to impress me. The trucks were cheap feeling and

@analog805: "Ya know the Germans always make good stuff!"

Good luck to her!

@V864: It is.