Scandinavian Flick

@Jagvar: I can't really see a Venza/DB9 "relationship" being consensual...

Why does it look like a Toyota Venza surprise sexed an Aston Martin?

@Tim Westergren: I'm sorry I missed this Q&A session, but I just wanted to second patman's comment as well. Pandora has exposed me to bands that I would have never known about. Using the bookmark system, I have been able to look up artists I now know I love, including a lot of start-up artists who I love to support

@TheBlazinAce: Woah, I totally forgot about that. Classic gaming flashback!

@DeadBuick: That is bad ass. I declare win for this guy.

@FriscoFairlane: I've seen that one! Forgot what kind of car it was on though...

@Ronald McSpiegel: I've been sitting here with an unreciprocated brofist for over an hour, and you say "I'm sorry"??? Humph... You can keep your sorrys! You'll need them to keep you warm all alone on the couch tonight!

@Matt White: I totally get what you are saying, but tire stretching started as a way of cheaply making it easier to drift. With the sidewalls stretched, they flex less and make the grip (or lack thereof) more predictable.

@iancoleTX: See my reply to Matt. I probably got it up there right before you posted :-P

@Matt White: You're in luck, I actually just figured it out about a week ago. I see those stickers a lot on wanna-be JDM cars. Apparently it is a Soshinoya, which new drivers in Japan are required to display on their cars to indicate their lack of experience. Why people here would want that, I have no idea...

This look just keeps trying to dig itself back out of the grave.

@jakebonz: This year's calendar is off to a rough start...

Here's me, just before dropping the B21FT into my '84 Volvo 242DL!