Bultaco's JMOD TownCar drives his pa to drinkin

P.S. Can’t wait for the NitW longform review!

My first job while in school was being a contractor to a contractor to a contractor to Dell, setting up and migrating folks in Appalachia from their old computers to their new Windows Vista machines that the “geeks” at Best Buy assured them would work with their decade old peripherals. That job was hell, but I was

Cuff em and stuff em NYUT NYUT NYUT ahlovit, ahlovit

This has to be a troll. No way it’s not.

Cop radios in, peruses at maximum “safe” speed that his vehicle and traffic conditions allow. If you’re eluding, he calls in an APB and now every car in the county is on the lookout for you. Odds are the donut dropped and the lights were on the instant his radar chirped a triple digit score, meaning the driver was

Oh get off the high horse. He was the only car on an empty toll road in the middle of the night, as if at least 40% of the readers on this site wouldn’t have tried the same thing at least once in their lives. Sure, hellcat, I guess that makes it vaguely newsworthy, but idiot... really? The only thing that happened

1000 miles, even if it blew up today I’d say you’ve already won.

Love his recaps. He does this for a number of videos. Definitely cool that he’s getting into F1.

@7:11 woah is that a 2-stroke dirt bike? In the city?

Props for not ripping and replacing the air suspension with springs. Shit’s not that hard/expensive to fix.

That sewer pipe intake is everything.

Jalopnik, where 205hp is barely able to move a damn Toyota out of it’s own way, and where the hell is the turbo?


Seems to fly in the face of what Alex Roy has been saying. Given his openess with testing and personal experiences from the autonomous offerings of these companies, I’m still more inclined to agree with him. I mean shit, nearly all the companies ranked higher than Tesla are not offering anything more than lane

But I mean the 86 is SOOO SLOOW. This is the only automotive answer.

I’m pretty sure people who bitch about the 0-60 time on the 86 all live in Florida, or the Midwest.


...also maybe the only rankings list on the internet that I agree with, full stop, without qualifications.

What great oddball tool doesn’t lisle make?

Wait wait wait... trying the wrench to the engine? That’s... brilliant!

Good for getting past the limitations of an open diff. There was a post on here with some sort of crazy English trials with old open wheel racers getting up muddy hills, and the ultimate technique seems to be a combination of hopping up and down while rocking side to side to keep at least one wheel grabbing for an

Wish I knew more Aussies. Ya’ll consistently sound like a good bunch.