
Bless her. May she never die.

Are we not going to talk about Evan Rachel Wood rockin’ the suit?

I actually really don’t understand how/why the person who is not president yet can order currently serving diplomats to leave their posts BEFORE he becomes president.

This STILL makes we want to scream into the void. How many people actually want this? Have they devoted any thought to the logistics, maintenance, and oh, that AIRPLANES WILL STILL EXIST. And that plenty of the low-paying American jobs that Americans DONT WANT TO DO are done by people across the border? Also, I recall

This seems like a good place to ask for feminist porn sites. So....any good non-exploitative feminist porn sites out there? Asking for a friend.

Our problem is not porn, it’s that teenagers, male and female, are looking to porn to figure out what they’re “supposed” to be doing. How many teenage girls are finding that stuff on the internet (or being led to it by their boyfriends) and, because they don’t feel comfortable having the conversation with anyone and

Given that this is Jezebel, I recognize that this is satire. However, because this is Jezebel, there’s a 50% chance that this isn’t satire.

Finally, a question I can answer on Jezebel!

what about when your Trump informant neighbors turn on you and you need to evac quickly and stealthily?

Guys, there is no apocalypse. Things just get steadily, slowly shittier.

IDK, there’s a weird sort of vanity around thinking you’re actually going to witness an apocalypse.

My husband is former military, then international security, bodyguarding, etc. in some of the world’s finest hotspots. He’s a mountain climber and carpenter and full of useful survival information.

Am I the only who hates the whole hashtagization/fetishization (let’s be honest, it’s the same damn thing) of “I/she said yes?” It’s like groupthink luring you over and over and over to join the cult of marriage. (My ex may or may not have just gotten married)

I bet you are still married and I bet that salesperson is not.

Man that is just like my engagement story. I was putting away some groceries while my husband was doing the dishes and he said “Let’s get married” and I said “Sure”.

it should me mrs. and mr. serena williams now that you mention it

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was

None of them have true public day-care on a state level, but various states do have policies designed to help with the costs of child care. It’s essentially all in the form of weak subsidy programs for child care.

I am black.

According to mainstream science fiction not many black people will survive the apocalypse. In the immediate after or deep utopian future there just aren’t that many people with brown skin left.

And isn’t it funny how Trumpers are all about cutting foreign aide but not to Israel? Kind of like how they think all unions should be abolished but not cop or fire unions. It’s almost as if they aren’t ideologically consistent

My, that’s some extreme economic anxiety!