
Be honest. You get a sick thrill from being roasted in comments sections, don’t you?

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

What kind of people says mmmbop?

I’m already drunk and it’s not even 9am. Who’s the seersucker now?

I’ve lost a lot of that myself as well. We’ve had a lot of paparazzi involved in my family life,” she said. “I had my privacy taken away after I took someone else’s. I know the difference between right and wrong and I chose wrong,” she said.

Yeah, what the fuck. Or to be more precise, what the fuck, wypipo?

but you asked

Should we feel sorry for people who do reprehensible things just because they have children? Weird logic.

I’m going to answer your question and I hope that you are able to consider all of it as I’m sure it will challenge how you see the world.

Yes, that’s basically it. The immediacy with which sexism (unfounded, IMO) sprang to mind also makes me wonder if those commenters actually had an issue with seeing someone who looked like them being accused of the same actions they’ve condemned when committed by white men. Although some said she should be

Exactly! And you wouldn’t believe how many comments I’ve dismissed telling me that I don’t understand the comments behind feminists taking issue with Shelby getting charged! “Oh, but they’re not saying she shouldn’t be charged, only that it was unfair/that police department is untrustworthy because they would’ve

Yeah, me too. :(

Jez is so much worse than when I first started reading over there; but, honestly I don’t even care about Jez. Some people over there are just as far gone as people over at Breitbart.

Wait...DAN DIED??!!

OR ... and this is a radical concept for Hollywood I know, but ... we could tell new stories instead of retelling the same old crap ad nauseam?

This isn’t to excuse Eyre Festival, but if you are willing to fly somewhere and pay over 1k to see a music festival headlined by Blink 182 I just am never going to feel sorry for you.

His Juicero style viagra vape pen despenser start-up will never get investors now.

The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?

I had the great misfortune of working with this man in college. He came to do two shows, and was an absolute nightmare. He was rude and talked down to all of us, asked my coworker if she was “smart enough” to take his dinner order and not screw it up... Somehow I ended up on stage during one of the shows, and he

I would say it’s more hurtful to women that these dysmorphic implants are paraded around as healthy or as some sort of beauty standard.