
Can we get a discussion abut this dude though? I almost want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he’s just really young and because of his youth he is no where near a clue but I don’t know.

You forgot existing.

I’m more concerned about the offspring that the elephant possibly left behind while protecting her family from this dick. If he’d died protecting his 5 kids from human poaching elephants I’d be concerned. I’m sure his kids will be well taken care of.


Please don’t bring back Johan. He was awful. I don’t want to see Chris or Johan.

Well the commenters on Breitbart think it went great. So there.

Pretending that the racist things a racist says and does isn’t disagreeable is something that racists have been doing for a good 400 years or so now. Pretending that a person who disagrees with a racist assed racist means that that person believes “everyone” that person disagrees with is racist is another boring and

Yeah for some reason his face made me think of the brother in law cop man from Breaking Bad.

I assumed he’d just told her that she has to sleep in “the box” again tonight.

Hitler and his pals are dead. Violence worked out that time. Thanks violence.

Exactly! Been throwing “others” under the bus since creation. Susan B. Anthonying ass asses.

Just curious, how did you know the kids parents smoked just weed? Is it possible that they were drinking and or doing other drugs? I have family members who were given weed by elders while they were pregnant because they could not keep food or liquids down and were losing weight. The weed helped with their appetite

I cant wait until they post his picture all over the internet with information about web sites he likes and what his religious beliefs are and what his upbringing was like so that we can start profiling people who look like him and have similar backgrounds. America. Fuck yeah.

That does not apply to every item of clothing. $100 house shoes is dumb as hell.

That does not apply to every item of clothing. $100 house shoes is dumb as hell.

Obama on his way out of the White House, “Ima just leave this right here.”