Scalar Feeled

Yeah, and a lot of broads are fucked up in the head too, despite their sweet, congenial exterior. There are good people and shit people, and sweetheart, women aren't exempt from this either, not by a long shot.


Yes, many do. Sone enthusiastically so, often women. Go figure.

Yeah. Women are wonderful judges of character. That's why they always seem to chose the guy that's wrong for them, right?

And, simultaneously, necessary for life.


"Hallelujah! Praise The Lord!"

Celebrity gossip exempts you from credibility. You don't get to complain about a male dominated world when such trivialities hold your attention.

I wish my mail carrier would dispose of MY junk mail

Kinda like prayer.

In other words, a delusion, which aptly describes faith. Not much of a surprise really.

"Oh, that's just silly."

Help me understand why she did not file charges with local law enforcement and have a rape kit done?

Too bad. I heard had a killer 'fantasy suite'.

Yeah. Bartman would have no doubt purchased tickets for the series.

As a cubs fan, he was a lot of fun to watch. I wish the whole fucking team was juicing. Maybe then we would have beat Florida and won a pennant back in '03.

Who the fuck is Tori Smelling, and why the fuck should I care?


I'm sure my grandmother will be excited to read this issue.

They were superfluous back then, too. Even more so.