You'd don't get to keep asserting christian theology is not hateful towards gays like some parakeet, Meg. You must actually demonstrate that it's not.
You'd don't get to keep asserting christian theology is not hateful towards gays like some parakeet, Meg. You must actually demonstrate that it's not.
Sorry, Meg. If you feel you must stand in solidarity with christians that "Love the sinner, hate the sin", whom adhere to the doctrine that a homosexual lifestyle is sinful, and homosexuals must refrain from that "lifestyle" if they want everlasting life, than you're no better than them. It doesn't matter how polite…
Well, no, not really, but I'll agree with you for the sake of it if it makes you feel better. Sure, yes, you're right. Good job, Meg. You've made the world a more peaceful and civil place. Thank you for showing us how to not be bigots and hateful. I must be patient and understanding about others' homophobia. I will…
I bet drunk sex with her is great.
Wonderful! We must be in agreement then. Apparently your only objection is with my tactics, not my argument. Fair enough. I'm glad we could find common ground.
Yes, of course, and if I said women like to shop and shave their armpits, that would be a gross over simplification. Because it's Opposite Day to you. I wonder how you can even follow the plot of Mad Men when the female characters are portrayed in such strange roles because clearly, to you, there are no sexual roles,…
Can be. Not always. You seem to be dodging the my thesis- that some woman are attracted to men that aren't good for them. Is this really such a controversial statement??
fair enough. His head is in the right place. I just get irritated at such vapid and banal comments by celebrities that sound as though they've just discovered there's suffering in the world. These word-salad statement thang meander and wander over numerous themes without really thing them together.
You're a fascinating person, Keith. I appreciate your honesty and self- awareness.
Armchair psych is holding your pleasure back. Leave it to the experts and those willing to be helped. You can't have more sympathy for a person than they have for themselves.
Sounds like a nurture problem, like almost every other societal ill. Parent your fucking daughters, mom, unless you'd prefer Mad Men to do it for you.
uh, not hypothetical. You don't read Jezebel much, do you?
tell you what-in the interest of seeing you go, I'll agree with everything you've said; You're right.
too obvious. I can't have been the first.
thanks for the clarification. Was a little confused by your Jesse is a cunt comment.
Doesn't require elaboration, some tolerate it, no, no, sexism relates to dominant masculine traits, within patriarchal cultures, which is sexual selected for by females, not dumb per se, television viewing is, depiction of hyper sexism and wan love it for some odd reason, Peggy is my favorite, don's antihero is found…
oh, my paranoid friend, you're cowardly lack of contribution to the subject doesn't gratify whatever perceived desires you believe I have. Your lack of control over your emotions isn't my concern or interest. I quite frankly just want you or anyone else to engage in civil discourse over the obvious hypocrisies in…
yeah. Hugged conveniently left out fan affection for the asshole that is Draper. Seems there's gobs 'o' ladies willing to fuck his character. I wasn't off base
And you're oppressed. I've established a 501-c3 for you.
I'll point you to a women's shelter if you need help understanding my point.