
Now if the actresses can just stay out of actual jail…

Because people get old and then they die.

Those videos of all "the fun" you have on the road? That's maybe 5% of the time. My band did one tour back in the 90s. It was so fucking boring, all the driving. Sleeping on floors, waking up and seeing bottles, cigarette butts and garbage all around you. "Treating yourself" to a motel room with squishy carpets and

As a prominent local civil rights attorney said to me today, unrelated to this: people don't join the police force because they want to be community police officers and help the homeless guy on the street. They want to bust people, crack heads, and rule the streets.

This is not the giving a shit you are looking for.

Good ep.

Well that was adorable.

It's the fucking whistling. Fuck whistling.

Listening to this guy's new album while reading this. It's pretty good. Not hating anything yet.

Spoiler alert: Everyone's Mom dies.

Nothing can top the Don Hertzfeldt one.

Kept waiting for them to say, "…and Franklin!"

Urban Air Conditioning. A necessity this time of year.

You would be partly correct. Most popular formats in order (number indicates percentage of the whole).

I've been catching them on and off since around 89 too. I saw their warmup show with the new bassist in a small venue in Northampton last year, it was good but not great. I don't begrudge them for keeping going, the songs are great and they are still one of my top 10 favorites. But nothing will ever top seeing them

What, no heckles about Ryan Auditorium?

Psychobilly is one joke, screamed loudly, ad infinitum.

"Great live" assumes you like the band. I didn't really like U2 anymore so there was no reason to stick around. I liked their first two albums, saw them on their first US tour in a college dorm basement, and they were more my style then vs. the Zooropa Tour.


I agree with this Guy's approach a lot more than Patton's which comes across as arrogant and controlling. Like anyone who dares call out a hack, racist joke is an enemy of comedy. That's not true and it's a belligerent, bullying position to take.