
Hacky anti-Semitic and sexist jokes don't warrant defending.

He seems like a solid guy, it's impressive he had the presence of mind at such a young age to get out and do something different with his life.

"They are great live" is subjective, not objective. I'm not bragging but I saw them on their first US tour in a college basement and it was fucking great. But the Zooropa tour was not the tour that they were "great on" if you had already lost interest.

If you don't walk out on Steely Dan I will find you and slap you.

Went for the Pixies, bailed on U2. Went for the raconteurs, bailed on Dylan.

So he's not just a liar he's a bully too. I shed no tears for anyone involved with a show that has been so consistently dishonest about electric cars.

Technical difficulties have been a constant with the Flaming Lips since the beginning. I caught them here in the boonies of western MA in a basement dive bar in the 80s and their gizmos kept blowing fuses (bubble machine, fog machine, etc) to the point where the bar's management gave up on fixing it and they played

It is odd. Perhaps someone forgot to do it in a more timely manner?

Here's how it works. Some media company says, "We will buy ads from you…but you have to run our shitty giveaway." They say "OK because we need money!" And there you go. I know this because I work in radio.



So glad I have no idea what any of this means.

Jessa has always been a twat.

That really was a great episode, well written and well acted.

We saw him last summer, he still brings it.

The shortest path to Waldo is to look at the lower back of the young woman who landscapes in front of my office. She has a Waldo tramp stamp.

Where's the outrage over the most boring performer ever winning four grammys??

Save the pits?? Please, everyone knows that the pits have nothing to do with preventing oxidation anywhere other than underneath them.

We adopted when we were 33 and we were the youngest people the agency dealt with. Most of the others were 40+ and had that pinched, desperate look of people who spent way too much money and far too long beating themselves against an immovable wall of infertility.

There's an inverse relationship between dumbassitude and fertility.