
Just saw the TV series. A near-masterpiece. And more than twenty years later, it's still as appalling and infuriating as it felt when I first heard about it. It's the story of the failure of… everything. Brilliantly performed by a bunch of authentic POS, from Johnny Cochrane to judge Itou, as well as the members of

And that is not sexist at all.

What a chicken sh*t show. The way they delt with the Ilian issue : typical 100. It seems to fantasizes itself as a teen version of Game of Thrones, but doesn't have the balls to make its characters pay for the crime(s) they commit. That moron should have been executed at the end of episode 5 ; instead, we had another

My gosh the server room exploding as if it was full of dynamite and the fire burning the whole ship… can this show get any dumber ?

The only thing that REALLY didn't work in season 2 was the whole Finn debacle, especially how the main characters acted about it. Pretty much nothing has been working since season 3.

The 100 have never been very good at dialogues… but it's been getting more and more moronic since season 3. The writers make their characters say the stupidest things in order to move the plot forward. The dialogue between Clarke and Monty in this episode is a "good" example of that.

First of all, I don't think he was admitting anything : SJW are just not very subtle. Secondly, how is Trump threatening democracy, again ?

I've just watched season 3 "back to back to back", and it didn't make the sheer stupidity of the writing much more tolerable…

"Bellamy, you need to forgive yourself !" => Askin that to a moron who hasn't even started calling his actions into question (his guilt being only about his sister). Season 3 Bellamy and everything related to his storyline will have been a complete insult to logic from start to finish.

"Like it or not, representation in popular culture is a huge part of the shift in social progression"
=> Or mental regression. But that's another matter.
Question : why "GLBT" ? Why not LGBT ? Are gays more important than lesbians ?

I didn't know Revolution needed any help to hit rock bottom. It was "destroyed" from the beginning.

My gosh I can't believe how lame the episode was. It looks like an hommage to slasher flicks, but it's more of a parody, with most of the characters acting like COMPLETE morons when the "killer" is nearby (see, for example, how Raven acts when Sinclair gets stabbed). I'm used to being appalled by the show this season,

It seems that almost every episode gets a B. Is the guy who writes these reviews a zombie, or something ?

Okay, let's make this simple : with Pike's story line and everything related to, The 100 has provided us with some of the most moronic hours in TV history. I keep watching because I enjoyed season 2 quite a lot (much to my surprise, because it started like a terribly generic teen drama)(and despite Finn's awful story

Cool episode. The writers ruined Finn last season (although there wasn't much to ruin), and now they ruined Bellamy. Which is much worse, because he was my favorite mal character.

I know I'm a little late for the party but I'm still gonna write my comment. Finn dying at the end of this episode was a relief for many reasons : first of all because he deserved it, from a moral point de view ; secondly because the character was ruined anyway (giving himself up was respectable, but he should have

"A stellar cast"… we got a very demanding reviewer, here.

That season finale was an insult to all the other season finales of the world. Except a few very inspired bits and cool female characters, the writing of that season was pretty weak, and episode 10 had to be nothing short of a masterpiece to make me forgive the season's flaws. Well, the writers did… the opposite.

Does anyone know why the episodes are so short ? I mean, it's not even a 13 episodes season, damn. Is this a f*cking sitcom or something ?

Awesome review, congratulations. I'm watching season 6 right now. The tragedy of Shane is unparalleled.