
I enjoy watching Co-pilot, but the "14 months earlier" part is just… pure nonsense. I don't know what was going through their heads. I'd rather ignore it and decide it happened something like 3 or 4 years earlier instead.

Exactly ! That was bloody brilliant XD

What an odd thing to do. Very odd. And I chose that word to be polite.

I've heard that argument a lot through the years. The first time was when Haneke's Funny Games was released, twenty years ago. Critics thought his way to deal with violence, off screen, was pure genius. I wasn't convinced. Same thing here. I know what you mean, letting the imagination do the work… but in my opinion,

The episode was great, but I found the beating of Nikki disappointingly tame. I expected things to be more dramatic AND more graphic, and it would have fitted.

Simple remark, about the scene where Chuck's ex-wife says to Jimmy, on an annoyingly sanctimonious tone : "he's mentally ill, what's your excuse ?" : I shout to my TV "he's not 'mentally ill', he's just a monumental dick who had it coming !!"…

Nowadays, when I read articles like this one, I feel like I'm reading a book review. No mention (or hardly none) of the directing, of the photography, of the music, of the actor's performances… The story is important, guys, but come on !

It's too bad the lead actor isn't "astounding" at all…

Well, that was disappointing. Everything about Mike could have been told in five minutes. I felt like I was watching TWD, pace-wise.

I felt like he was impersonating Zeljko Ivanek.

What solen photographs… ?

I hate it when reviews are nothing but glorified recaps. This is the laziest form of reviewing.

Well. No surprise : the finale was as bad as the whole season (at least, they're consistent). A few good ideas, and an interesting "twist", at least on the paper, but… my god, how BAD was the writing. And I'm not even talking about the convoluted mess that was the intrigue. Just the assassination attempt was so

Well. That was one of the worst season finale I've seen in a long, long time. I kept hoping that the second half of the season would make up for the infuriating nothingness of the first, but still nothing happened, and it went like this till the end. At least, the show's been consistent for the past two years : as if

"I dream of their beautiful mixed-race babies" => I love it when political correctness makes people say the most racist things without even realizing it.