Semi-bored torontonian

Also, colors - dear God, why is everyone so afraid of colors these days?

What if The Cell but with Lawnmower Man-level special effects and throw in a bit of Possessor to distract from the “Vatican black ops team” angle?

Guy biking into a photo of a road for me: that’s straight out of Looney Tunes.

They are forced to work together to shut down Hart’s secret invention, a machine that is either the solution to mankind’s problems or the end of life on Earth.

Is that Annie’s Boobs?

Not judging him, I’m just a bit sad that people do this to themselves.

Wow, what happened to Mike Myers’ face.

Yeah, but does she also sleep in an oxygen tent, which she believes gives her sexual powers?

DiCaprio originally purchased the apartment for $10 million in 2014, selling it for $2 million dollars less two years later.

I can only imagine Disney is furiously scrubbing every trace of Chloe Zhao’s name from the Eternals credits right about now.

Wow, what a wordsmith you are.

Hey, it can be two things: Stodden can be a victim of abuse and a terrible person who probably shouldn’t be on TV. Kinda like O’Neal can be a “former AV Club writer,” and one of, like, three or four people who all but made this site.

Aw, firsties?

I mean, he’s clearly talking about “cancelled” as in “not renewed” or “not getting past the pilot stage,” but OK, whatever.

Now playing

Such a lovely, moving film. I’d rank it third after Grand Budapest Hotel and Hotel Chevalier. Plus, it has one of my favorite scenes of any film I’ve seen: