Semi-bored torontonian

Or being a big cop in a small town!

It’s only the best movie ever made about firing two guns whilst jumping through the air!

They look like the Hot Fuzz model village.

Way to bury the lede on Steak-umm’s masterful punnery:

I call the big Tesla Bitey.

In Canada... First you get the syrup, then you get the power, then you get the women.

Yes. I do. Very, very much. It sucks to watch movies on a TV all the time. Although watching Disney’s crap on a big screen isn’t going to make it any better.

It’s like a later Tom and Jerry, when the two of them could talk/ Like the Stones since the 80s, like the last days of Southfork....

This sounds incredible, but where can one watch it (in Canada, I should add)?

What about Cherrk though?

Release the Welles cut of The Magnificent Ambersons!

I’m with Seth Rogen here. I’m Canadian and I have absolutely no idea who these people are.

It’s that “standard human pod to be customized to the alien invader’s specifications” look that they both have. They’re two of the least authentic looking human beings I’ve ever seen.

You mean, CHERRK?

Please, those are slated for 2022.

At least half of these sound like not-especially-funny premises for SNL trailer parodies and most of the others have been done to death already (husband out for vengeance? can’t say “no” because of a stupid bet? futuristic space prison?).

I live in godless, multicultural, Socialist Toronto, where the first Christmas decorations go on sale before Halloween, and by December there’s so much Christmas cheer you can barely tell when the actual Christmas happens.

But wait... there’s more!

If ever there was a movie that needed a Spoiler Space....