Semi-bored torontonian

That's probably the best idea to approach Netflix or any other streaming provider.

If I may say something: don't close your bank account over this; it's not worth the hassle on your end, and it will make zero difference to BoA. And I'm not a fan of Netflix even on a good day, but cancelling your subscription will only hurt you, not them. What I'm trying to say is that boycotts like these never work.

Twin Peaks overrides any pro-Putin propaganda.

I didn't hear him say anything about how Israel meddled in the election, so I guess it's true.

Truman's wife has a reason to behave like this, as does Dougie's wife. Although so little about Dougie's story has any connection to reality, it's almost impossible to get a clear reading on her behavior.

I was expecting him to rip off his shirt or something. It was an awkward interview where the audience heckled, but Stone was very calm and called Putin a "social conservative." All in all, normal behavior from a man who used to have a huge boner for Fidel Castro.

Ah OK, thanks.

So, is he actually on the show or what.


Huh, he seems to have deleted those tweets.

lol wut.

Aw. It's fine. Sometimes I need to be given a hard time that didn't come out right.

I guess it won't change unless you reload the page? Disqus is lovely.

It's the only way to find out who liked your post, short of reloading the page. I unliked in like a second.

No, I didn't.

We have to stop this Nazi genocide wait that came out wrong.

Well, Trump IS president, so the competition is very stiff, currently.

Literally nobody likes them: not the regular people, or the hardcore racists. It's beautiful.

Duh, if Barron's going to be Secretary of Cyber, he has to live in Washington.