Semi-bored torontonian

Pepe-wielding 4/chan asshole gets ass-kicked by neo-Confederate racists, and it's one of the most beautiful sights you've ever seen:…

I have honestly never heard of her. I see she's been published in quite a few publications that I read.

Oh, that guy is fucking nuts, and has been for quite a while, and I have no idea who the other person is.

Oh, that makes perfect sense now! Wait, no, it doesn't…

Is that something people do now?

I really like Emily's reviews, and she seems to get exactly what the show is trying to do. Which is why these random asides seem so pointless and annoying.

3). That is definitely true, as long as you're willing to disregard Lynch's entire body of work.

Taking David Lynch to task for not having enough poc's on his show is quite possibly the most pointless form of virtue signalling yet.

Random question: was that weird music emanating from the killer's ice pick/ knife/ whatever? Because that was possibly the single strangest thing I've seen so far on this show.

Lynch's pop culture cachet seems to be largely associated with weirdness and quirk, and lots of people tend to be put off by the incredible earnestness and intensity of his emotions. Incidentally, this is why nobody has come even close to successfully imitating him, even if people did try (I'm looking at you, Legion!)

A whole lotta Twin Peaks (classic and new) and little else. I also started Jason's On the Camino.

I think it's fair to point out that Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire are two exceptional movies and that they are entirely woman-centered, and that his representation of women is about a lot more than brutal, gratuitous violence and kink.

"Draw me a clock, Dougie Jones."

I think it was more a reference to Winkie's Diner. Whoever he's playing looked plenty scared to me!

Is that thing still on?

If you want to watch the whole thing, there's plenty of good rips online.

"Draw me a clock, Dougie Jones."

What's that? Is anyone speaking?

That's not a bad idea at all!