
Can I have some of what you're smoking? The fact that you're even considering the possibility that HSPA+ comes anywhere near LTE is mind boggling. You're essentially saying that dial-up is faster than cable.

Yep. The PS3 was in the same boat as well.

Its not uncommon for companies to take a loss at an initial product launch, especially if they're trying to get a product/brand out on the market. Android is popular on phones, but in the tablet space iPad is still king and that is what Google is going after

Maybe dumb phones, but even then most of those have switched to micro-USB. As far as smartphones go, with the exception of the iPhone they've all been micro-USB since about 2009

While not an ideal solution, the best thing about the nexus is that you don't have to wait on Verizon if you don't want to. 4.0.4 was out several months before Verizon finally released it

Last week people said change the name to Applemodo. Seriously, its a tech blog. They report on technology and this week MS has the spotlight. Next week it will be Google so just get over it

Are you serious? Find the articles written by Jesus and pick one. I'll admit that Google doesn't get as much praise as the others, but to say that there aren't any articles like this one is just plain wrong.

Same here, but its true. I specifically remember one article that was ripping RIM a new one and it was sponsored by BlackBerry. It was pretty funny

Nothing, and if they did they'd be the biggest bunch of hypocrites this world has ever seen

Praise Apple, you're on Apple's payroll. Praise MS, you're on MS's payroll. Same probably goes for Google as well.

The stylus isn't for primary input, its for writing and drawing. Just because you can't use it doesn't mean that others can't. There are plenty of people who would love to have a stylus and tablet with a descent digitizer. Couple that with the fact that you can full Photoshop and it could easily sell thousands.

Just because they don't agree with you doesn't mean their on the MS payroll, and "good usability and ergonomic design" vary from person to person

iPhone 4 was released on June 24, 2010

Nobody is making Apple out to be the "bad guy", but how is this not comparable? What MS is doing is the same thing Apple is doing with the 3GS

Why does it have to "beat" the iPad? Whats to say they can't co-exist like OS X and Windows?

So you've gotten to try one that's running the final version of the software and hardware? How else could you "undoubtedly" know the battery is terrible? And that it its only half the size of the MBA?

They may share the same shapes, but one is clearly better than the other

Not exactly sure why everyone thinks that one product has to "kill" another to be successful. The surface and iPad could easily co-exist just as Windows and OS X do, especially if MS intends to push this in the business sector.

This. So much this. While I generally love SCCM, If Apple or Linux ever got a method for managing 50K+ desktops from one console, MS might be in trouble.

The consumer space is still several times larger than the server space, and will be for some time. That and NVIDIA is already in the server space and supports linux