
If they could pull all of that off for $299 (or even $399) that would be great

What makes you think the console age is declining? And being replaced by what exactly?

Two-tone in black was fine, but this is somewhat ugly and the chrome doesn't help.

Pretty sure dial tones and busy signals can sill be readily heard, especially if you have a landline at home or work. I actually got a busy signal on my cell phone a few days ago as well

Not necessarily, there's a good chance that one of those OEMs will be making said tablet. It might end up being like the Nexus line, Google branded devices but made by one of the Android OEMs.

What does the Zune have to do with anything?

Would probably be the equivalent of the Nexus line for Android, except in this case its not the updates but the lack of bloatware

This is what Google Voice is for

12, 15 and 13? I have to ask, where are the parents? Obviously that's not an excuse, but I guess I'm trying to figure out how these kids got alone with them in the first place

That's a social/self-control issue. Those same people would be reckless and stupid regardless of the lower re-spawn times. Yes, It sucks if you're playing a team game but that just comes with the territory.

How exactly does it "unbalance" the game?

I don't think you know what "Trolling" is, and where exactly did you get that average number from? Based on his specs, his machine is still plenty capable of running Mountain Lion and there's no technical reason that it can't, so that just leaves the "because we can, F U" answer.

And its not going to get any better anytime soon. Left, Right it doesn't matter. All politicians are idiots and come fall the cycle will just continue regardless of who's elected into office

And your absolutely correct, its not obsolete and is still completely useable. My only problem is the idea that I should upgrade my tablet every 2 years, which is not one that I embrace.

Funny, I was thinking the EXACT opposite. I have yet to receive a package from UPS that was undamaged and/or on time.

How is expressing a valid concern based on history considered trolling?

How about people who don't want to pay $500 every 2 years? Phones are one thing, tablets are another. If what you say is true and Apple expects you to buy a new tablet every 2 years, that's not going to go over well with many people. Nor does it help the whole tablets replacing traditional computers "movement" (for

To each his own

Honestly, I would say that the majority of people who make threatening calls probably don't have the balls to actually confront someone in person.

What are you going on about now?