
So I didnt see Russell bonking Botas on the head, but that makes Botas’ middle finger much more understandable lol

Would you pay $5 for a ketchup packet?

Went to Codmother in SF’s Fisherman’s Wharf. As much as that area is a total tourist trap, we were actually surprised at how good it was.

Yep. Straight up stealing. 

Right? And the idiot replying, “If i was a Domino’s employee...” obviously has never worked in foodservice. That’s 3 more pizzas they had to cook, possibly in the middle of a rush. Now these underpaid guys and gals are having to work twice as hard as they normally do to feed selfish customers.

That’s straight-up stealing, there’s no cleverness here, they are simply turning a promotion into a cheat. If you and your friends can’t fill yourself up on pizza with this deal, stealing more just makes you look like an asshole. You could have been full all day without the grift, but instead you chose to be “clever”

You can easily make your money back by smuggling drugs in that hidden bedroom!

Haha, I just got a kitteh a month and a half ago, who is growing like a weed, and he is getting up on my dinning room table now. I tell him no and push him off or if I have it near me, do the water squirt bit, but it does no good. I think he does it for spite now. Then he gets on my work desk and wants tummy

Aww, she looks sweet. But that’s also because she’s not on the table in the middle of a meal.

My thought: “LUCY! Get down!”

No, we need to go boxier.

No. Just no. Potatoes should be sliced into fries and then submerged for 2-4 hours to leech some of the natural starch out. Punch and fry french fries are gummy and unpleasant from all the starch. Freezing them also improves them, as the ice crystals break the starch up. In-N-Out is doing fries wrong. 

lol, bad take is bad.

People ruin everything.

Oh man the hackers are gonna love this. I hope they fuck it up frequently. 


Rusty, listen to your mother!

I’m here to keep you safe, Sam

Disappointed this is not a caterpillar/magnetohydrodynamic drive. Tom Clancy, you lied to me! You lied to all of us!

Agreed.  However quicker I can get the dozing guy behind me to realize the gap between us is closing, the better.