Ma Vaffanculo

No doubt. Although I went when I was young and good-looking and with a wealthy guy who got us into cool places, and it still wasn't my thing. As for clubs, the last time I had a really good time was in Tijuana with a bunch of DJs and we danced all night and had to walk in the blinding morning sun back across the

My dad, who grew up very blue collar with a stingy father, couldn't get over the buffets. "Prime rib, kids! Would you look at that prime rib!" My brother and I couldn't wait until he and my mom hit the casino to play the slots. We'd spend a couple of hours on our own (fun!) at the arcade or swimming pool. Then we'd

There are at least four, no? Surprise/shock, happy (rare), angry, angry/turned on. Very subtle differences, like a tiny variation on a theme.

I like the one that's halfway between angry and unbearably turned on. She is very, very beautiful. Even Olivia's Prada bag is a sad sack by comparison. I also like all her gorgeous cream-hued clothing. I have a golden retriever and am a chronic spiller so expensive white items, although they really suit me, are a

I watch it just for Kerry Washington's facial expressions. She is my favorite over-actor.

When I was a kid, my parents used to take us to Vegas because the rooms were cheap, the food was plentiful, and they could ditch us on occasion to gamble. That was before parents got arrested leaving their kids unattended, and we had a BLAST. That was also way before the city had cheesy taglines like "What happens in

Yep, same here. I graduated with a 4.0 and nearly a year of college finished (AP and community college after school) and I didn't make the top cut at one of the best public high schools in California. Luckily I still got into Cal, UCLA and UCSD. The kids above me obviously had their eye on the Ivies, though not all of

I have never understood the appeal of Vegas. From where I'm sitting, you saved a bunch of money and protected your liver.

I was a little chubby in the sixth grade and was horrified when I had to tell the class about my visit to Wales and a bunch of the kids snickered. Calling a girl a whale is pretty fucking grade school.

I just posted something similar. It's so easy to get pulled into this idea of "Wouldn't our house be so much more complete with a cute doggie like that one?" It's a commitment, not an accessory. Ikea can barely illustrate how to put together furniture they manufacture, much less give folks an indication of what it

CB2 features pics of rescued dogs in their catalogs. It's such a great way to show the variety of adorable pets that can be found at shelters. The only thing that worries me is people seeing dogs as part of a "lifestyle," not as a serious commitment. Sweet pups don't handle returns as well as furniture.

But if you didn't have legs, how would you hide your dangerous lady parts? Even girls with the culturally lauded thigh gap can clamp their knees shut. I mean, isn't that what Republicans think us sluts should do? Obviously you are allowed to have your legs because they keep you from whoring.

I took up gardening expressly to wear overalls. That's one of the few occasions past toddlerhood when it's really acceptable.

Thank you! His family caused a lot of drama, which is often the case with divorced parents. My (still together for nearly 50!) parents were more like, "How can we help? What can we pay for?" However, they can be annoying too. So I try to be accepting, because I am sure I am a little foreign to his family as well. And

Today is my 2nd wedding anniversary! We went through our own special "dark ceremony" the night before after my husband's sis-in-law gossiped to a friend whose husband worked with my near-future father-in-law and chaos ensued. I'd told my soon-to-be SIL, in what I thought was a confidential moment during an intimate

I occasionally fell asleep wearing my contacts when I was in college, which my doc said was fine. However, I got several nasty eye infections, one so horrifically painful that I had to be rushed to the ER in the middle of the night. I had scratched my cornea and got to wear a pirate patch for a week. I now only use

That's so nuts. I have a hard time moving with even a light pack on when it's anywhere much above 90. I am very fair and prone to heat sickness and hiking in those conditions sounds like a descent into actual hell. I understand technical challenges, but not trying to prove you're tough because you didn't die in Death

Do you agree with her that "real" dancers wouldn't do barre exercise classes? I find that hard to believe, as many of my former dancer friends (we're in our 30s) love barre/pilates as a workout. I took lots of different types of dance when I was younger, though didn't have the time/talent to really pursue it

I related to this book probably more than some. Right out of college, I got very, very lost, and turned to drugs, including heroin, along with, to quote the movie, "having sex with anyone who asks." I wasn't reeling from a broken heart after the devastating loss of someone I loved, as Strayed did. I was just unable to

I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but I was once on a public bus in Italy wearing a skimpy summer dress and it was so unbearably hot and humid that I left a puddle of sweat on the plastic seat. A literal puddle. It was horrifying. My leg was in a post-surgical brace, so I didn't get screamed at by the lady who