Ma Vaffanculo

Can I just say how much I hate the "guests pay for plate" concept that seems to be the new norm. I'd honestly never heard of that until the Great Marshmallow Fluff debate. I'm so glad I didn't know about it when I got married last year, because I would have fretted about our guests guessing how much we spent on them.

Perhaps she is using the term in reference to "The Americas" (North and South). Or perhaps she is from the United States? Interesting side note: Slavery did exist in Canada, though it is glossed over as a historical reality and took place on a much smaller scale than in the United States. Most slaves were aboriginals,

I haven't read Knox's account yet, but I've read elsewhere that she was unaware that she was being considered a suspect during questioning. She thought she was helping the police solve the murder of her roommate. Her false accusation, which came after hours of "interviews," wasn't an attempt to deflect suspicion.

Yep, that's exactly what I believe, too. I bet many among us would've done the same. It's so easy to shout about the moral high ground when you've never been in a room full of police officers yelling at you in a foreign language.

The guy is obsessed with satanic sex rituals and outrageous conspiracy theories. He would've been an era-appropriate prosecutor like 400 or 500 years ago, but yeah, science.

It never fails to amaze me how many people are absolutely convinced Amanda Knox is guilty, including a whole lot who can tell just "from her eyes." Give me a break. Even if the case hadn't been riddled with procedural errors from start to finish, the absence of any motive on Knox's part should have raised enough

I'm so glad I happened to be stoned when I read this post.

I skimmed the story a bit because I was more interested in the comments. When I was younger I believe PP gave it to me free, because I was lower income, and my insurance always covered it after that, but holy shit that's insane. Big Pharma is appalling. If I'd been required to spend $50, I probably would've chanced

Woah, $50, really? Is that how much it costs? It's, like, a couple of high-dose birth control pills, no?

The couple of times I needed it, I just got it at Planned Parenthood. In fact, they gave me extras. Why doesn't everyone just go to ... oh wait, clinics are shutting down left and right. Which leaves the drugstore. If a pharmacist had dared give younger me any grief, which includes pretending not to know what Plan B

The veil still fits! The veil did not require 90 minutes of exercise almost daily and a diet of rabbit food for two months. I ordered my dress online from ShopBop and was was determined to make it work though it was too small (it was so pretty and on sale and there was only one left). It looked fab, even if I don't

I nearly had to report the Etsy seller who was making the ties and pocket squares for our guys. Not that I'll ever plan a wedding again (fingers crossed!), but I can't believe how many "professionals" out there screw people over. I hope you found some different invites that you loved just as much. I ended up designing

As if that dress still fits. ;-)

I fucking love you for that. Can't stop laughing.

I was going to post an image of two ruggedly masculine gay men in love, but holy shit my search results were so very NSFW.

The plan is to take her to small claims court, but she lives out of town (tiny destination wedding) so I'll have to pay for transportation and lodging on top of everything else. Plus, from what I've read, it's just about impossible to collect on a small claim like this. She has nothing to place a lien on and the only

You nailed it! I will call on your mighty "STFU" next time he leaves me a nasty comment. ReasonWeeps2, in my corner! Thanks lady. :-)

Ugh. We don't have any photos whatsoever, not from the package we paid for instead of going on a honeymoon, and none of the photos my family ordered after the photographer put up her heavily watermarked proofs. It's been a year and she just doesn't respond to us anymore. I can't even think about my wedding without

I had to read through this LiberalEcon's other comments after he suggested I should just stay in a well-lit basement when I expressed how uncomfortable unwanted attention made me. He clearly makes no attempt — on this post or elsewhere — to understand things from a woman's POV. Three cheers for "shut the fuck up." I

I *wish* our friends had Instagrammed the shit out of our wedding. Our "professional" photographer totally fucked us over, so all we have from our big day are a few photos taken by my grandma with her ancient digital camera. And Grandma didn't think to take pics of all the little details I'd spent months making pretty