Ma Vaffanculo

Or when someone says, "Gee, you look for YOUR AGE." No, mofo, I look good full stop!

You are awesome.

Can we talk about how difficult it can be to dress "age appropriately" as you get older? Not so much in the early 30s, but as you pass the 35 mark, it gets tricky. It's like there's this massive drop-off in affordable options. I occasionally shop at Anthropologie, but it's so spendy and sometimes I don't want to look

Agreed. As a woman, I've found it somewhat challenging to dress "age appropriately" as I get older. Not that I'm dressing like a mom who steals from her teenage daughter's closet, but even the flirty little dresses that looked fantastic on me a few years ago aren't quite working anymore. But I see other women my age

Heh? What did you say? Where's my damn hearing aid?

Oh, I'll still read. I was just joking, of course. It's just, all those worries about being 30 start to seem silly when you're nearly 40, and I'm sure when I'm 50, I'll wish I hadn't gotten so stressed about being 40. I've lost a handful of young friends to cancer over the past few years. Let's all remember that

My brother is 35 and dresses like he's an oversized junior high kid. Granted, he works with junior high kids, and it's a strategy to relate to them, but I always have to bite my tongue when I see him.

I honestly didn't feel old at all when I was 31. Now, my knees creak a little and I'm definitely starting to see some fine lines, but the only time I feel old is when I hear other people define the number as such. People usually assume I'm about five years younger. I hate it when they say "you look so good for your

Well, now that I know 31 is "old," I realize that at 38 I am far too old to be a Jezebel reader. Good lord. I'll see all you ladies in ten years, when you know what it's like to be pushing up on 40. Trust me, it's a whole different bag of wrinkles.

We're all about it in Washington, too! You can stay at my house JLaw!

They are the best! Mine was a very naughty puppy but he grew up into the sweetest, cuddliest dog ever. Got depression/anxiety/whatevs? Get a goldie! Hugging my dog daily has been the best therapy imaginable.

I also lost weight when I was doing a lot of drugs during a rough period, and everybody told me how amazing and healthy I looked because I was soooooo thin.

I like my fantasy world better. Y'know, where people don't plot to torture and murder each other to get their rocks off.

Ohhhhhhhhhh god. I'd never even heard of this German cannibal case. How did I miss that? Incredible that the prosecutors had a hard time finding the right way to tackle this case, too.

Seriously. I used to have trouble with the final stage of Atari's Jungle Hunt because I was so distressed by the idea of someone being boiled alive. I won't even eat lobster!

The guy in Canada who killed his lover and mailed off his body parts. He made a snuff film of it. At first, police weren't sure if it was real, but apparently they have an unedited copy and it is very real indeed. It's horrifically gruesome. It's called 1 ice pick, 1 lunatic. I only watched a few seconds, but read an

My husband would find all his belongings on the front porch if he was into shit like this. Even if it was just "pretend." And LaurensJam: Ha ha ha ha. F'reals.

I have never felt so vanilla in my life. I'm all for kink between consenting adults, but until recently, I had no idea that stuff like cannibal porn even existed. Effing Internets. I stumbled upon that Magnotta video unwittingly and just the few seconds I saw scarred me forever. It seems like people have been

For young girls, who are prone to self-esteem issues already, it seems more important to encourage healthy habits as well as body acceptance, not to offer financial incentives. Plus, once that cash was in your hands, how do you know you wouldn't slack off? Leading up to my wedding, I expended an extraordinary amount

Seriously. What was chub then became a nice figure for me later: long athletic legs and big boobs that are quite perky at the tail end of my 30s! I still have a teeny bit of a belly but my husband is pleasantly distracted by said legs and boobs, as have been many other men in the past. Not that it's all about what