
She was a huge piece of shit, we are all far better for having her gone.

This is a magnificent obituary and is exactly how she deserves to be memorialized.

It’s a good thing Mountain Dew tastes so awful. Any other choice seems better by comparison.

What happened to the good ‘ol days where you found out your son had a small penis when he bought a sports car or giant truck?

Heaven forbid people care about watching tennis.

Update. MoMA has offered $1 million for it.

Monfils later proved the old saying correct by losing two arguments to the clock.

I mean, call us back when you actually have kids and are forced to make these decisions in real life instead of judging millions of parents from your comfy spot on the sidelines.

Realistically, in a society where a single income is too little to support a family, is there anyone who “can have” kids by your standards?

Well, I’m sure he learned his lesson!

Cue cards implies that the crowd contains people who are literate.

Why would the Devil even want that rotting, refurbished merkin’s soul?

No defective babies for him.

She also claimed in court documents that he told her he would only marry her if the girls were “normal:”...

I lost a dear friend to cancer, and I’m still very tempted to say that you’re giving it a raw deal in that comparison.

I hate her so, so much. Like as much as I hate cancer and Nazis.

It’s rare that Ann Coulter makes me gasp, but this came pretty close.

That is the mark of postmodernity. It marks the end of Eurocentric cultural domination. Without subjugating others and only able to draw upon limited resources, the essentially uncreative forces of the former metropoles are reduced to mediocrity. I actually live for Nigerian artists. Those girls know how to work it

Are they also appealing their right to record boring ass, vanilla white trout piece of shit music.

You don’t really have to say his name, though. Like all trolls he lives for attention, everyone knows who led the attack on Leslie Jones but it’s more fun if you don’t give him the credit he craves.