
I went to the Women’s March 7.5 months pregnant with a wee sign on my belly. Every time someone stopped to take my picture they demanded that I put my hand on my belly. It’s the “Blue Steel” of pregnancy shots.

I’m wearing a crop top at the moment. Obviously that means I’m just anticipating someone to come by and rape me. Can’t waaaaaait.

Even when there is a “smoking gun,” which I take to mean video, eyewitnesses, DNA evidence, etc., they still make excuses and play devil’s advocate and blame the woman.

Another commenter and I just had an exchange about this. And I should disclaim that I’m not American so don’t know all the ins and out of the US legal system.

Rape isn’t about consequences. I see what you’re getting at, but to say that rapes would diminish, even a little, is to completely ignore what motivates a rapist. It is complete power. It rarely has anything to do with the sexual act itself and more to do with assertion of power. This is why punishments involving

ETA I thought your comment was a response to a different comment I wrote, but it’s too late to change my rant now, which I think still applies.

The problem with Tories and Corbyn-haters spouting the ‘tuition fees’ excuse and using it to imply that these young voters are selfish is that they seem to think that young/student voters are stupid. Young people want lower or abolished tuition fees but are under no illusion that this will help them or their peers,

Yeah, I don’t use science, but I can usually tell in general what a dude’s got going on.

How can a man that red and swollen have such a weirdly voluminous ass?

Argh! My eyes!

They’re grading on a curve in Washington right now, including on someone’s “hotness”.

It’s ironic the way that these rich white guys get into office and never retire, because they stay relatively healthy because of THEIR FREE GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE, ain’t it?

He’s using contemporary Republican tactics to stir the discourse into utter meaninglessness, in an effort to undermine the proceedings. Drive it all into a swampy bog, before anyone is able to clearly discern the shape and definition of the controversy. Makes me wonder if he’s more than complicit.

Now playing

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. So his defense isn’t that Cosby didn’t drug and sexually assault multiple women. It’s that he did it, but he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong (legally, ethically, morally, etc.) because he thought they all wanted it in that manner? (Never mind the fact that Ms.

You think you’re afraid, angered and/or disgusted? We live here. And we will continue to love our neighbours. We will continue to open our doors to friends and strangers alike. And we will continue to be the greatest goddamned city in the world.

I just hate that the Muslim community feels like they have to go on this PR campaign to basically say “See! We aren’t the monsters you have been told we are”.

I had a boss once (Fortune 50 company) who came back from Brazil raving about the friendly, warm bathroom attendants she encountered, and how lovely the restaurant bathrooms were. When I pointed out it seemed like a terrible job (standing around, smelling piss all day and handing out towels to the wealthy) she said,

Funny, I actually wanted the opposite to happen. Pino’s only real offense was being hyperfocused on work (in a boring field to drive the point home). I think Francesca just fit too many tropes of manic pixie dream girl for me to care.
