
330hp. $30k starting.

That’s how I read that shit

When the NYPD refused to be out in regular force due to that....nothing happened.  There were less tickets but the crime rate pretty much stayed flat.  Which further hurts their own position if their presence has no appreciable effect.  Let them shoot themselves in the foot, if they think that will work for them.

“We’re going to see the Sick Outs and Non-response To Calls that I think the NYPD(?) threatened around the time of Ferguson.

After the officers were punished for Garners death in NY, the PBA called for an official slowdown in work to show solidarity for the “punished” officer. The city showed a measurable drop in arrests in tickets, citations, and arrests in the weeks that followed. The exception being activities that actually endangered

Sorry but your reaction to years of bad policing, general incompetence, a bullying union and other things isn’t introspection or a hard look at behavioral patterns but quitting? Fuck you all then. This country has spent far too much time and energy kissing your over privileged asses anyway. You have abused the trust

Naw, this is Phase 1A after the hissy fit the unions threw about being called thugs was roundly laughed at. We’re going to see the Sick Outs and Non-response To Calls that I think the NYPD(?) threatened around the time of Ferguson. The union has to do something to get white America back on its team!

Just wait a few more months.

According to their 10Q, they made $2.5B selling cars in first quarter 2020, $185 million leasing cars, $200 million selling energy storage, and $80 million selling credits. The credits are a nice little boost for them, but it’s hardly the core of their business model.

At even at $100K or whatever, Tesla can’t make a profit.”

Nice straw man argument lol.

I know you’re demanding a firm date for when this will all be over, Karen, but viruses don’t have managers to speak to.

You want people to suffer financial ruin and commit suicide?

I haven’t driven a Model 3 or Y, but I think that’s the solution to the $50k Tesla. And they are making a profit- they’ve been positive for 3 quarters in a row. Tesla showed a profit in Q1 2020, even as mainline carmakers have shown a loss.

You want a permanent lock down?

Also, when I hear someone tell me they don’t like electric cars, it sounds like my kid saying he doesn’t like a show or a food. You’ve never tried this, you just don’t like anything different from what you know.

It never flattened....

I went to a Tesla store in a mall. I sat in the cars I drove a couple. Since they are mass produced, new and have a warranty I saw no need to drive the exact car I was considering for purchase.

Most people who’ve driven an electric love them. But most people aren’t ready to drop $50k+ for a Tesla and the cheaper EVs leave a lot to be desired. 

I think it’s more like people don’t like the *idea* of electric cars. Most people, at this point I’d bet, still haven’t actually driven one.