I’d just like to add that Emilia Clarke’s manic face during her conversation with Jon was amazing, and that I hope she gets many opportunities to terrify her loved ones with it.
I’d just like to add that Emilia Clarke’s manic face during her conversation with Jon was amazing, and that I hope she gets many opportunities to terrify her loved ones with it.
Obviously there is room between hereditary monarchy and universal suffrage, because that’s exactly what Tyrion opened with before Sam made his suggestion. Yara didn’t scoff then because the lords of Westeros choosing their king is the equivalent of a king’s moot.
The Iron Islanders still only allow captains to vote. Plenty of thralls and freed men/women that aren’t represented.
Don’t worry, Grey Worm, we’re condemning the man who killed your queen to spend his life at The Wall. Said Wall is located at the far end of a now independent kingdom ruled by his sister. We cool?
I’m looking forward to a week of speculation that Arya is actually dead and the horse is part of a dream. Or that the horse is Jaqen H’ghar.
Imagine how much of that turn could have been set up had we spent five minutes with Arya and Sandor on their ride down to King’s Landing.
To be fair, that’s been canon since Iron Man 2.
I thought for certain Sansa would wiggle out of her oath to secrecy by encouraging Sam to spread the truth behind Jon’s heritage. Surprised she just spilled it to Tyrion instead.
Currently Cersei is holding the gates to the Red Keep open in order to use the citizens of King’s Landing as a human shield. Tyrion and Varys balked at incinerating so many innocents, but the tactic only bought a political offer from Danny. The upcoming conflict will be if Danny finds a way to burn out Cersei…
Next time, on GoT:
Right, but Hulk doesn’t talk to old Cap, or even appear in the same frame. That’s all Bucky and Sam. Even though the scenes appear back to back in the movie, it’s unlikely they were shot in the same day. Too many wardrobe and makeup changes for Evans.
Saw comments in other places questioning if Arya disguised herself as a White Walker/why she didn’t. I’m wondering how people think that would work. Based on what we’ve seen, the Faceless Men take the skin from fresh corpses and painstakingly prepare it for their purposes. Although powerful, it’s closer to alchemy…
Most of the Unsullied died defending the retreat into Winterfell. Dany’s army has been shredded, but she’s still up two dragons on Cersei.
In general I’ve been reading a lot of comments on the lack of major character deaths this episode, and my only thought is that anyone who didn’t die at Winterfell is available to die at King’s Landing (or wherever the battle for the Iron Throne is decided).
NXT is a microcosm of the WWE fanbase. They tend to be much more knowledgeable of outside wrestlers, and more accepting of off the wall gimmicks like Adam Rose and No Way Jose. They can also be incredibly cruel to wrestlers that display less in ring talent. It’s kind of like always performing in front of the crowd…
For a brief moment I thought they were going to make them an on-air couple, and I was kind of for it. Probably better that they didn’t do that, but it at least would’ve served as a flimsy explanation for their relationship wildly flipping between friendly and hostile. Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that I…
I’m pretty sure you’ve also independently discovered the main thrust of Oswalt’s future testimony.
I like scrolling through his remote segments on youtube. The bits with his staff are pretty good, too. And they brought on Ninja Sex Party to play Danny Don’t You Know, so I count that as a point in the show’s favor. But yeah, I can’t say I’m a regular viewer. I really only tune in if there’s a guest I…
If you’re interested in the crossover between wrestling and cosplay, you should check out Mikal Mosley. He often works with Xavier Woods and New Day on their cosplay, and it looks like he did some work with Cody Rhodes last year.
Based on the statement NASA made (which admittedly may have been released after writing had been completed for the week), I wish they had gone in the direction of a NASA engineer getting frustrated at the public response and challenging Che to put together a space suit himself. Turn the joke on the media for overly…