
Feel bad for the people that left youtube because they were fed up with the lack of transparency. I know payment processors are currently cracking down on NSFW content again, so I’m not 100% surprised Twitch is taking measures to curb these borderline streams, but it would be nice if they were more upfront about major

The point about this being referred to as the “new” bridge made me look up the date the “new” bridge I’m familiar with was built.  The one in my hometown was opened in 1968.  Amusingly, our old bridge is actually younger than the old bridge in this article, as it was opened in 1940.

You can absolutely pay your way to shorten the grind in PoGo. Lucky eggs, star shards, lures, raid passes, all available for sale in the shop. Sure, you can’t buy the candy you need to strengthen a pokemon directly, but you can certainly use those raid passes to get rare candy as a reward. Or maybe you go for the

It’s been too long for me to remember how well it’s conveyed in the movie, but Akeem does kind of have a neat revelation. He wants someone to love him for his personality, but in order to achieve that he cordons off part of himself and conceals it from his romantic interest. This seems like a completely inoffensive

Been a long time since I’ve watched the movie, but from the description it just seems like further embellishment cementing how completely unnecessary the musicians are. The presence of the stereo system informs the audience that Zamunda isn’t a country without access to modern electronics. So in that moment the

I wish I could’ve heard how hard Munro gritted his teeth when you implied he might not be aware of his ethical responsibilities, seeing as he’s an engineer and not a journalist. As if engineers don’t practice a set of industry wide ethical standards and Munro would be unable to comprehend the intricacies of

Without the ability to dodge the draft, I assume he’d have been fragged by his own unit in ‘Nam.

This has probably been said to death, but the mention of the hot dog cart just made me imagine Trump as an Ignatius J Reilly who happened to be born into wealth.

Say what you will about the material he was working with, Levy definitely brought an energy that was sorely lacking from last week’s episode. This was the first time in a good while that it didn’t feel like the sketches were dwelling on a joke, trying to draw it out as long as possible to fill time. Instead, they kept

I thought the movie made the turn from cookie cutter cat and mouse thriller to highlighting the pervasive nature of institutional abuses pretty well. It at least displays how protecting an abuser allows their negative behaviors to be passed down and amplified, even if it doesn’t have much to say beyond that.

I’m conflicted on this measure.  Practiced in good faith, it’s probably fine.  But there’s a very obvious conflict of interest, and I’m not sure what oversight is available.

It’s all fun and games until your insurance company pays Apple for your cracked windshield data.

A reason Destiny can be so frustrating is that the stories tend to create a ton of interest and speculation but never get followed up on. Take Forsaken, which came out two years ago. Not only does Cayde-6's death create a schism within the Vanguard, with Zavala desperately trying to hold onto the Guardians’ principles

Until Trump dies (and possibly even after), Baldwin’s impression will sporadically return to threaten running for a second term.

After years of following io9, I’m convinced there’s no real way to be permanently un-greyed, as an increasing amount of un-greyed users would eventually require actual comment moderation. Easier to hide everyone behind the “pending” button until their comment gets enough stars to be deemed acceptable.

The sports show sketch was excellent right up to the final punchline, or rather the sudden cutoff that was substituted for one. After the entire sketch focused on the long suffering co-anchors, it was weird to give Burr’s character the last word even if it was just another desperate attempt to extricate himself from

My immediate reaction after watching the finale was that The Boys wasn’t written as two separate seasons, which makes sense considering the accelerated production schedule. In fact, while there have been a few significant changes, so much more is back where we first found it. The Boys have split up again, Becca is

The lengths WWE will go to keep carting out old wrestlers who can’t take a bump is hilarious.  Especially once you look up the brand and realize those are in all likelihood welding goggles, the polar opposite of night vision.

These concepts look like they’re specifically designed to be featured in Kevin Hart jokes.