Bye bye, boners. Sob.
Bye bye, boners. Sob.
Testosterone-poisoned, zitty white boys on the rampage again with their little divide-and-conquer games. Ah, youth.
Yeah, maybe nestled. But nuzzled? Hm.
And that's how teh interwebz wuz won.
It might be helpful to remember that in order for someone vulnerable to hear that type of thing, it sometimes is best if it comes from someone professionally trained in sensitivity and caring. Like a therapist.
Jeez Louise! I know you're feeling vulnerable right now, but your put-out feelings about this my-way-or-the-highway thing your husband has imposed on you are righteous. His assumptions are ridiculous! You need to explain what you need, and simply inform him that THAT is what's going to happen. I'm serious.
I swear I thought you were joking, then I looked it up. Holy crap in a pita. Why not just send her some smeg in a Ziploc?
I, too, am more attracted to Rick Ross than heavy women. I certainly wouldn't call them landwhales, because only an ignorant, mean jerk would do that. But high-five for calling out his sexiness, fartinhaler!
I'm not 100% sure, because I'm not Asian and I'm not a linguist. But I think it has something to do with Oriental being associated with a stereotypical style, and Asian being associated with a geographical area with multiple cultures that most everyone acknowledges as being culturally diverse and valuable.
To my surprise a few years ago, I discovered there really are whole swaths of people who don't know this about the word Oriental. Our Safeway here in Carmichael, CA still has a sign over the aisle with the Asian food items that says "Oriental Foods." I remember having to explain to my daughter that one should never…
I KNEW it! I'd divorce my cat, for real.
Actually, the same women fighting for that IUD are right here in the comments. Pick our battles? Sure, how about sexism? There's a grand battle. One more thing:
Thanks for that.
Asking for a friend, oh god bless the hell out of you!
Alrighty-roo—another awesome, useful tip!
Super cool! Thanks a lot, mister!
Cool, guess we're done.
Perhaps you'll catch it next time around? Perhaps you're watching the good coverage while I slum around whatever site I can get to stream for me? Dunno.
It is pretty easy to see how offenses would be rife on commuter campuses. No community, less recognition of individuals, every predator just a face in the crowd. It's not necessary to ridicule someone sarcastically simply because you disagree. I mean, if wladclinchko insults you in some way, go for it. But that didn't…