Ping Pong von Laserstein

Sincerely, thanks XD

Isn’t that literally just the new mode in the Ps5 port?

In a way, all of us has a Chevy Chase to face. For some, shyness might be their Chevy Chase. For others, a lack of education might be their Chevy Chase. For us, Chevy Chase is an annoying has-been comedian who wants to complain about us. But as sure as my name is Joel McHale, the cast and crew of Community can

Same, lower bar but I could live a long, happy life without ever seeing another Tarantino film.

I could live a long, happy life without ever seeing another rape depicted in a movie or television show. 

I think Drew is doing a great job, and seems to relate to the contestants, models, and crew as well as (or even better) than Bob did. And it looks (to me) like he is having a fun time doing it.

Harrison Ford must be spinning in his grave!

Yeah no. In the game Jerry talks about needing to remove it because they have tried multiple tests and haven’t figured anything out. The samples from it still infect normal blood samples just like non-mutated cordyceps.
There’s no mention of a “chemical” that the cordyceps is producing.

In the show, if they know it’s a

They DID change the ending tho. The fireflies knowing why she’s immune makes the “remove her cordyceps” ending no longer make sense.

Me: “Why is my character running in hes sitting in a corner crying, what the fuck?!!”

Did they or did other studios just not get what they were doing.

Everything happening to Ye now, shouldn’t be happening. It should have happened years ago. This is what happens when a man with no accountability just keeps getting more money and more success. No one checked him. We kept glossing over his flaws. We loved his music. We loved how candidly he spoke about race during

Hey that looks like just like Adidas brass retreating when they realized the Ye stuff wasn’t going to blow over!

“Just divorce him” and “Just leave him” will always go down in history as the most useless advice we can give abused women.

That’s not the flex you think it is

Virginia Giuffre is her name. She fought for a jury trial. Prince Andrew tried to get her suit dismissed. When the case was not dismissed, he also wanted a jury trial. By all accounts it was in the Royal family’s interest to settle. Not the other way round. Either you are being intellectually dishonest or you have no

Working hard? As a Queen? You read what you just wrote? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. She was in charge since WW2 and done nothing to right the wrongs of the empire.

Yes, when we’ve all “worked as long and hard” as someone born into wealth, privilege, and power they’ve never had to earn, maybe then you’ll allow them to opine on colonialism and oppression.  How kind!

Strikes me as straightforward and honest. I hope it’s not, like, printed in the funeral program or read as a eulogy, but it’s difficult for me to find much to gripe with in this article. What are you taking exception with?