Dude, no.
Dude, no.
Really can’t get behind this one. Was it some kind of dog sledding reference? And Divac is from some godawful place in Eastern Europe that probably no longer a viable country, if memory serves, many thousands of miles and a Putin away from Siberia. But I’ve been babysitting nephew so I’m day drinking and I may have…
It’s the fencepost error!
another gun could have snagged the trigger right? or am i thinking to simply about it
What’s worse, the duffel bag had a history of carrying weapons.
Also the amazing benefit that comes from drafting behind David Kahn, a GM even worse than Hinkie.
So wait, is “iterated” the new “actualized?” And is there a new word for “paradigm” or are they still paradigms? I’m scrounging for startup capital for a new company where young people who want to break into the gig economy can get unpaid experience doing gigs for free for my company (I call them gigternships) and any…
Lacob’s Silicon Valley, MBA-speak technobabble is essentially indistinguishable from Sam Hinkie’s. The owner of (one of the) most successful team(s) and the former GM of the least successful know exactly as much about basketball as one another. Take that for what it’s worth.
Lebron goes off for 50/15/15, but the Warriors still win by 20.
Kingsley is awesome. Kingsley doesn’t give a fuck. Anyone who votes for Kingsley is a member of ISIL.
Counterpoint: Kingsley is the best mascot.
These are all great options, but I’m damned if that sun doesn’t make me crack up every time I see it.
Are you sure the Warriors fans at the A’s game weren’t just encouraging Meredith Vieira to cut to the head of the line to the ladies room?
This rambling, bewildering post is easily my favorite piece about the 2016 playoffs. Please keep in mind that my favorite book is Mason&Dixon, and my favorite movie is the director’s cut of Nightbreed and last night I ran several miles on the treadmill listening to Red Krayola’s first album so uh, you may not exactly…
I miss George Carlin:(.
There’s also just the immutable fact that Kyrie and Love are ineffectual defenders. Love seems to try but it generally looks like Bambi on the frozen lake. Kyrie has the occasional first effort, but once he’s rescreened or the shot clock hits single digits, he’s often completely lost.
If only I’d had a dick punch this wouldn’t have happened.
For the Warriors fans planning on making the trip to flyover country for games 3 and 4 (and game 6 if necessary hahahaha who am I kidding I’m going to go drink) please check out this video showing some of the highlights of Cleveland: