That’s his title. He’s with the feds. Real name is Bob.
So now she’s lost her job over this. PROOF that the Jews, Mexicans, Chinese and Kevin Love control the media.
Van Basten
That is a beautiful comment.
Yes. And that may be what this is about, more than insurance or liability.
I’m sorry for your loss.
No one is forcing you to have a job. You have the freedom to choose between whatever work is available and poverty.
He shut them down on offense every night.
4-on-5 would confuse them. The Rockets play 1-on-5.
How can quit just like that, without even quoting Kahlil Gibran and Warren Buffet?
When I start to feel empathy for Hinkie, i imagine being the father of a Sixers fan. (Think of the children. No, really.)
You lose the right to vote in many states if you’re a felon. That’s how the drug war best serves Republicans.
100% of Oakland lives in the Pacific Time Zone.
I’m just glad McClendon didn’t live to see that.
I’ve got the $300,000. If you can talk the Mannings into it, go to town.
Kobe, Kobe, Kobe. Isaiah Thomas got screwed. No video tribute. No fawning interview. No hugging all the players. And it was his last All-Star Game too.
I am Spartacus.
If he guaranteed a victory for the Warriors, he guaranteed a victory for the Panthers, which he didn’t. This is silly.