A very uncomfortable paragraph from the profile:
A very uncomfortable paragraph from the profile:
i believe kylie probably isnt a huge drinker. she’s clearly a major pot head instead
I actually believe that Kylie - and most of the rest of this family - doesn’t drink in public. They control their image so tightly that I don’t think it allows for being drunk or sloppy, because you’re working (and I’m sure that in Kendall’s case, Estee Lauder has her under an ironclad contract in terms of her public…
It is for real - lots of runners piss and shit themselves because they don't want to stop and have their bathroom break eat into their finishing time
I think you just answered your own question.
My understanding is that they did a little preaching at the heathen Catholics in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala (notably, all places people like to visit rather than places undergoing huge humanitarian crises) and a lot of vacationing on other people’s donated dime.
Why do the husbands all have Jim Carrey’s hair from Dumb and Dumber?
‘Whoa, where did that come from, what’s that about,’
Letting the bastards “come clean without punishment” is obscene. If a working stiff tried to fix a tax return after submitting it, the person would be crucified.
“Everyone was like, why do you have tampons and I was all WHY NOT I AM STILL VERY YOUNG AND HIP AND MENSTRUATEY AND SEXUALLY VIABLE right, daughter? You think I’ve still got it, cameraman? How about you over there? You? Anyone?”
On a side note, this is exactly why abortion needs to be legal. Women used to die from child birth all the time and people are forgetting that. It’s a major medical event. I hate when people make flippant remarks about “why can’t the woman just stick it out for nine months and let the baby be born?” Because its not…
I think you mean $19.89.
She’s likely going to make even watching the trailer for the movie cost $9.99 on pay per view.
You can be as annoyed as you want. But willow smith has a LOT of help writing and producing songs. She’s claiming that she did it all on her own and I think that most likely she doesn’t even recognize the amount of help she had.
And I’m still over here like when is the Rihanna album coming out already?
“My first album in my entire career,” find “my ancient soul,” I mean... there is much to snicker at. It's called nepotism, Willow, and you have a spectacular case of it.
I mean... I’m sure she wrote some lyrics and worked really hard. I’m sure she was very involved but I don’t believe for one second that she “wrote and produced almost all the tracks on the album” anymore than you should believe that the Smith kids DON’T have a whole bunch of professional adults picking projects just…
Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.
Yes. And yes.
Gonna look weird when they both pretend to fall at the same time.