The irony/chance that this video was posted after
The irony/chance that this video was posted after
I think it is a safe assumption that Miley Cyrus is almost always high.
Makes me want a baby shower.
I wonder if I will ever get that extremely relieved moment that a relationship ended like Liam Hemsworth is probably having right now.
That was so fucking creepy.
You are so much smarter than me. I watched the entire thing and I will forever regret it. FOR-EV-ER.
Pedophilia has been a mainstream thing in the entertainment industry forever. Except it’s usually about making babies into sex objects, not sex objects into babies.
Ariana Grande has to be pissed off that Miley is stealing her gimmick.
Is there a Who Can Be The Worst contest going on that nobody told me about? It would explain sooo much.
This is so goddamned depressing. We have a large Islamic community in my city, and lately I’ve been trying to give every person who wears hijab an extra large smile when I pass them. It’s probably silly, but it’s one of the only things I feel that I can do (besides donating to the Dems).
The teacher said she knew her joke went too far,
Kendall is with Scott. They were sofa shopping at Restoration Hardware last week.
The FBI investigation of that trashfire Jared Fogle took 8 years. What’s the big deal? It’s just women and children’s lives at stake.
However long it takes for a case to get public attention.
I’d sue their union, the pension fund, and any relatable things which would more penalize the officers then the community at large. Suing the city doesn’t hurt these scumbags.
This is the ultimate gif!! All the stars for you.