And he was arrested for what then? It's pretty laughable that cops usually do nothing in DV cases. But strange enough, Penn gets arrested and there's nothing to see here?
And he was arrested for what then? It's pretty laughable that cops usually do nothing in DV cases. But strange enough, Penn gets arrested and there's nothing to see here?
Sadly, I understand where she is coming from, coming from a violent family and having worked with abuse survivors. They are friends, she has made her peace, and she doesn’t want to be associated with those stories. It’s her life and her story, but I don’t believe her.
Um, wasn’t their a leaked police report at some point? Am I completely making this memory up? Like the police found her tied to a chair and bruised and bloodied?
It's touching that she immediately refuted the malicious charges (28 years later).
I didn’t realize Yolanda never received a we know that for sure? When I had Lyme, my diagnosis was irrefutable.. 104fevers ,Western Blot, MRI’s of my brain at Yale and other things, and a sky high titer to boot.
I hate when I get here before the other commenters...
My first question was, HE HAS FANS?? WTF.
This often means there were one or two people holding out and everyone else wanted to go the other way. Doesn’t necessarily indicate the prosecutions case was weak at all.
What are the odds that mom and Ethan can’t be found because they are on the lam, in Switzerland? (or somewhere equally fancy that lacks extradition to the U.S?)
The logic of “It’s not rape if she didn’t feel violated” applies to 13 year olds infatuated with their 45 year old teachers too, right? WTF.
Let’s take a minute to consider that this is Nik Richie, founder of a revenge porn gossip site, trying to press a woman into talking about rape. This is the kind of woman he regularly chews up and calls a gutterwhore on his website.
It took me a solid decade to come to terms with the fact that I was raped while blackout drunk. It sure sounds like she was raped and I have nothing but empathy for her.
If Lala doesn’t feel violated, I am happy and glad for her (being a rape survivor myself, I would never wish anyone to feel what I feel/felt), but I certainly hope she doesn’t feel like she can speak for any other women that have had a similar experience with this guy. She might not feel violated or threatened by him,…
They may be exaggerating, but have you ever thought about how many students in the LA County School District only have access to computers through their schools? According to 2013 data, roughly 70% percent of Californians have broadband internet access in their homes, and while this number may seem like a cozy…
Religion. We have too much religion.