Naked Snake

Yes, or at least a hashtag that will give some context to the surreal swarm of questions.

Yes, and how are we supposed to get Gameological pins now?

I guess I'm also slightly concerned that it's a game I'm going to accidentally drop a hundred hours into.

Oh yea! I remember having a choice of ways to go but I forgot to follow the other one to the end. Goddamn there are so many side areas.

My newborn baby passtime game was Spelunky. Great for all those times I just had her in the baby carrier while I danced for 30 minutes at a time.

Wait, where is the King's Garden? I have gotten to the Grand Archives but haven't run into anything like that.

How deep are we into the Minecraft phenomenon, do you think? I had accidentally avoided it at first, but then I guess I intentionally avoided after feeling like I had missed the moment. But we have come full circle and now its persistence intrigues me.

Is this your first playthrough? Sen's Fortress is frustrating, but the level design is, in my opinion, much better than Blighttown. I love how Sen's Fortress has all kinds of paths to explore, but still feels like a coherent whole. I've heard others compare it to Zelda Dungeon, which seems appropriate. Good luck! And

HR as in Holy Romans? I'm really having trouble piecing together the increasingly byzantine events of the past 12 hours.

Christ. Was Jesus there last night too? What a confusing mess.

Oooops, I guess I meant to write Doom 2016 (which you have dubbed NüDOOM), because that is what I am actually talking about. Oops. It would appear that I am too hung over to even talk about games.

I was playing Doom 3 but I finally quit because it's 2016 and I can't find the fucking yellow key. So I guess I'll be playing some Duskers.

I could see it working if, as you said, it was cheap and also if it provided a couple of different narratives. So if it was like $5-$10 and available only with cloud saving, and came with 5 or so little adventures. Maybe you make it to the end of each or maybe you don't. At the end they could piece your results over

Perhaps E3 will have some good news for you, too!

I'm really holding out hope that they're going to announce that I have time and resources to play all the games I want to.

I remember the turtle.

What I really like about the idea of a rotating leader model for this game is its potential to tie to the theme of the moral cost of surviving a war. As Samatha notes, you have to make some harrowing choices if you want to survive. Ultimately, somebody needs to "make a call" about whether those choices happen or not.

Great! Now I know what I'm getting my ma for her birthday next year.

I haven't played the board game, obviously, but I played a lot of virtual version of This War of Mine. There is a lot going on in that game. While they succeed very much in communicating the horror of war, the basic truism that you quote above still holds true. The problem is that, any time you have a situation where

As someone with kids, I have definitely considered setting my alarm extra early for video game time in the morning. It's the only time the house is quiet!