
I know people wanted Walt to die, but in the end I felt he redeemed himself saving Jesse. So as Aaron Paul said it was said because you don't want Walt to die. You want Walt to somehow be okay and somehow get out of it and live happily ever after but instead he leaves his family exactly where he wanted them, setup

Why I watched it with the world. Wow I loved how he wrapped it around back to Russell Davis version but here's the wacky thing if he finds Gallifrey guess who else is found? That's right THE MASTER RETURNS!!!!!!! Can't wait for that fun and also this will extend his regenerations because only time lords can allow a

The title is a given: The Next Starfighter.

So on Bat vs. Superman I was rewatching Man of Steel for the 4th Time and where Zod realizes his ability he starts stripping his armor off in the building Luthercorp was building so I realized holy cow Luther is gonna get a hold of this armor and make his armor suit that's fueled by kryptonite or fueled by something

Stop saying it's a spoiler, its a prequel to the 50th anniversary special so it doesn't reveal anything that happens in the actual televised show. Why are some people whining, this is awesome!

Realizing that Kevin Smith and the paintings requested by Snyder all have a batman in a blue outfit that we all kind of are used to if you read the comics as a kid in the 90's I'm thinking the black and yellow belt won't be the suit. I'm thinking it's the blue and black not the black and black because Smith seems

I still think Man of Steel was a pretty good movie... unlike a ton of other movies this year, it knew what story it wanted to tell, and it told that story reasonably well. The fight scenes were creative and well done, and it looked gorgeous. And Pa and Ma Kent were amazing enough to carry the whole thing, emotionally.

I hope the Dark Elf returns given the fact Pierce killed him at the beginning LOL. I mean it was hilarious they dressed him up that much to be killed in the first what 10 minutes of the show or was it less. I LOVE that episode lol.

Look people laugh at me when I say some of the worst films were Captain America and Thor for comic book films. They were too happy go lucky or whatever as the director put it shiny. This guy gets it. When I saw the first trailer I instantly was hyped to watch this because it has a darker tone and hearing Asgard

Well watching this and then seeing how that whole fight scene BS near the end with the Gungans and the Drrrrroids, envision me spitting on my computer screen and hands, Army had weird cutaways JUST for Jar Jar that was too hocky and forced. I think he was meant to die but then some toy exec said just envision it a

I read it all.totally worth it. I love insanity

Well my hope is FINALLY Nick Frost will find his way on the Enterprise and second MORE SCOTTY DAMMIT. I mean I loved the stuff he did in the second one, but man Simon Pegg is way smarter and funnier then that. Don't make his role what the old Trek films did to him making him the goofy engineer when he turn and say I

I disagree about this episode as being the worst of them all heck I would say this whole season has been a home run. This episode had so many subtle things happening you had to watch it. jericho on Talking Dead hit it I think with the whole letting go aspect. How it went from Tyreese needing to let go, to Michone,

The important thing is

Okay the first partner was hilarious. He kept digging and he just kicked him out the door LMAO. I wonder if Dorian will have a problem going into a room with bullets flying? This is gonna be an awesome show. Oh I will add so if Olivia and them set things right is this the future of Fringe? Are they in the same

As one who never doubted that Singer would come through, I'm pleased to be validated. I would have preferred they stuck to Kitty being the focus of the story, but we know who puts butts in the seats and the likelihood of Fox signing off on the star of franchise suddenly being female.

So I've been wondering if Green Arrow is kind of a back door intro to the JL films in general and I'm hoping so. Just curious was the Black Canary ever part of the League of Shadows and if not could this be Laurel's sister that was found but revived using Raz's fountain of youth? Just wondering since they are about

So when will i09 start doing a Arrow recap like every other great shows it discusses. The reason I ask is they keep upping the damn ante on this show. SPOILER the end of last weeks episode they envoke Raz al Ghul and the League of Shadows to explain Black Canary showing up. It's not Laurel incarnation but someone