
Seriously... what the heck is this?? There was so much great content being written about Flight Simulator before it launched and practically nothing since. It’s been almost 3 weeks since the game launched and I’ve been looking forward to an in-depth review and this is what you fart out?

I’m sorry... where’s the game review? 

I like the analysis of games as service and the spooky implications of the technology at play but... this ain't a review of the game, really. 

What a strange, strange review.

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).

That job shouldn’t be handled by a cop. Next.

. . . I’ve ever barely skimmed through.

I have a near launch PS4 controller still and while it still works its battery life kind of sucks. While I have an old Xbox 360 controller I still use for my PC and it's great once I replace its batteries.  I'd much prefer the option to do the same with my PS4 controller.

Moral to story:
Everything is better when good looking or till you turn 30? IDK.

I feel like I get what’s going on here, and the fact is that this isn’t too wild to understand. I’m not confused by it, and I feel like I’ve been able to follow everything that happened. I’m a mid-millennial, and my work (psychologist) brings me close to various youth cultures on a pretty regular basis. I’d even say I

I clicked for boobs. I watched the clips for boobs. I did not read a fucking bit of it because words are not boobs. Is this the girl who started “Ok Boomer”? If so, this is not the path I would have taken afterwards, but whatever.

That stuck out to me as well. That one phrase says A LOT.

“It’s extremely irresponsible to blame women, especially younger women, for the ways men and society have infantilized them,” Kish Lal, a writer who’s covered egirls, told Kotaku in an email. “Most egirls are quite young, to begin with. Participating in memes, dances, and building communities on apps like TikTok

Very long article for what boils down to “men on the internet like attractive women”


These articles you guys write on internet seem so disconnected that they come off as cringe. You literally sound like a 50 year old when describing the meaning of “simp”.

“Hot people are more popular than the rest of us”

I’ve never felt so old in my entire life. 

Attractive person has a viral hit on a social media platform, news at 11.

This is some meta, meta stuff here. I did enjoy the dialog on how it relates to generational changes and context, however. But damn I definitely am way too old for this.