There appear to be a lot of details missing from this story, but I think both are true: jokes were made at her expense AND they were friends.
There appear to be a lot of details missing from this story, but I think both are true: jokes were made at her expense AND they were friends.
My great aunt (when I apologized for being in the way, when I really wasn’t) “Never say sorry unless you have something to apologize for”.
At work one day I was bitching about how terrible (abusive) my now ex husband was to me, but lamenting I couldn’t leave him after his mom had just been diagnosed with cancer. One of my coworkers simply nodded and said “with guys like that, there will always be some trauma or issue that makes it impossible to leave…
“Martinis are like breasts. One is not enough and three are too many.”
There are more women happily divorced, than happily married.
I was in high school and taking a taking a long flight by myself for the first time. My dad wrote and printed out this long-winded email with tips on how how to travel safely, including tips on how to avoid creepy guys.
This advice was given to me years ago after I sent off an email I really shouldn’t have, which was very insubordinate, to my direct supervisor. Rather than fire me, which would have been completely deserved, I was sat down by my superior and he explained that he understood how passionate I was about certain topics,…
I was working as a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, and it was exactly as tedious, gross, and demoralizing as you would imagine it to be. One night, I went to close out a table of older men, and when they started talking in front of me about what to tip me. One of them turned to me and said “Honey, here’s a tip for…
When I was 8 years old, my dad took me to see John Smoltz (Hall-of-Fame Atlanta Braves Pitcher) speak at a father/son breakfast at our church. After Smoltz did his bit, he took some time to sign some autographs. We were watching all these shitty kids and their equally ill-mannered fathers jostle each other and shove…
I was just starting out in politics 20 years ago, and I had this advisor that looked just like Katherine Harris, the Florida AG of Gore v. Bush fame. My advisor was a staunch Republican (formero GOP adviser) on a very liberal campus, and she always looked like she just ate a lemon.
My mother reminding me that no matter how much money someone “seems to have” they may have nothing and be up to their eyeballs in debt. I grew up in Bloomfield Hills MI. Huge homes, no furniture, but their kids always had the good clothes and cars.
As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :
They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to…
To be fair, that anthropomorphic mouse has always given me the creeps. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s got a body count.
Game companies shouldn’t be bending over backwards to support authoritarian regimes which are abusing people. I’m kind of bewildered that’s become a mildly controversial statement to make.
Neutrality is a political stance, even if they pretend it isn’t.
Remember the time you guys shit on disabled WoC for no fucking reason? Let’s not put it lightly.
‘Taxi Driver’ is forty three years old. A LOT of history has happened since then, mostly mass shootings and the rise of nihilist ultra-right Fascism. Of course if you produce a ‘Taxi Driver Lite’ film in 2019 it’d be seen through the lens of the current culture.
Don’t be racist, sexist, ableist, or trans/homophobic. That’s pretty much the list. If you can’t make people laugh without being any of those things, maybe the problem isn’t the culture that surrounds you?
The scene with the child on the bus, as presented in the trailer, really set my nerves on edge. Because yeah, you can see that we’re supposed to think that lady is mean to Arthur, and I get it. My dad has talked about this same thing, even though he’s really NOT a creepy weirdo, he has felt that he cannot interact…